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Today...from the same corner, the park still resembles the 1888 drawing. Note the similarity in the position of the trees--which were recently involved in a question to be settled by the City Council. The Chamber of Commerce proposed cutting some…
Today...the same St. Peter's Church spire still stands, but the other buildings have either been rebuilt or remodeled. And this area now has modern mercury vapor lights. Beno's store occupies the old Pacific House site. Two new banks have been…
Today...only the basement part of the building stands. The main building was condemned and razed in 1951. The annex, at right, is still being used. Council Bluffs has been recommended for a new Federal Building-Post Office under the Lease-Purchase…
Tags: 6th and Broadway, post office
Today...the same home, third from left, has a lot of company on Locust Lodge. The address is 216. There is currently one one vacant lot on the street which stretches about one-fourth of a mile from North Broadway to the east city limits. Gebuhr…
Tags: Locust Lodge
Today...the Bennett Building occupi9es the site of the old Woolworth building. The seven-story building, one of the larger office buildings in Council Bluffs, houses dentists, doctors, lawyers and other professional offices. It was erected shortly…
Today...the same buildings remain--minus the horse-and-buggies and housing different businesses. From left is a shoe store, optical shop, women's clothing store, jewelry business and camera store. The buildings in the heart of the shopping…
Today...the same location is occupied by three different businesses, including two in comparatively new buildings. The building at right is the same with considerable remodeling. It's now a servce [sic]] station. Center building is an automotive…
Today...the North Western station still in the same location, but known as Eleventh Street instead of Sycamore, has undergone several changes, including a recent remodeling of the present depot. The photograph of 1881 comes from a collection of…
Today...the site of the old band sand [sic] is now a modern playground, with many types of equipment available for public use. This is one of the most popular spots in the city for youngsters during the summer months.
Tags: Fairmount Park, parks, playgrounds
Today...the building occupies the same site, but the name has been changed to Ogden Hotel. Its appearance has changed considerably. Part of the fourth floor was burned by a fire in 1871 and the rest of the building has been remodeled. The building…
Today...with some face lifting and decorating the building is still used as a laundry, including the old YMCA location. The old time picture was taken from a post card furnished by L.J. Bussey, who now operates the business.
Today...modern Bloomer School stands in the same location at Willow Ave. and 7th St. It was build just 30 years ago when the old school was removed. The old illustrated booklet on Council Bluffs comes from Anita Baum, 515 4th St., and is part of a…
Tags: Bloomer School, schools, Willow and 7th
Today...the same street takes on a much more modern appearance, though many of the buildings are the same as in the 1900 picture. New buildings, plus new fronts, and new paving, minus the street cars and buggies change the scene. The original photo…
Today...the same location is minus the high bridge. A lower bridge across the old street car cut has been built and removed. In WPA days the deep cut was filled, banks sloped, and landscaped, and just last year paving was laid through the drive.
Today...the same building at 1703 Tostevin shows few structural changes when compared with the original sketch, but has been converted to apartments and is owned by William Kemmish. The large elm at right appears to be the same as the small tree in…
Today...the same building at 1017 Third Ave. is still used as apartments. Some superficial changes, namely removal of the ornate trimmings of days past, plus renovations in the entrances and porches are noted.
Tags: 1017 Third Avenue, apartments
Today...the same block has a complete change in buildings. The City National Bank Building, and Beno's Store at left, demonstrate the modern trend in business buildings. The Dixie Shops and Buck's Booterie occupy the other two buildings.
Today...the present First Baptist church occupies the same site at First Av. and S. Sixth St., was built in 1924. History of the Baptist faith in Council Bluffs dates back in 1856. An old story on the church gives the Baptist group credit for…
Today...the new State Savings Bank building stands at the 521 W. Broadway location., Built during 1946 it opened in early 1947.