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Goodwill Industries

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In the early part of the century the Bluff City Laundry, located a 22 North Main St., used a fleet of horse and wagons for delivery service with the help of one truck. Building at right was the second location of the…

Assembling Pegs . . . behind keyboard which adjusts the tone of the harpsichord is the Rev. Dale Shenefelt. These 122 adjustment pegs were only one small part of the building project of the instrument. The Rev. J. William Brewer, whose church…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is Broadway as it appeared in 1969, according to a penciled note on the original stereo view card. Shown is the section between Market and Madison Streets, now N. Second and N. First Streets. A check of old city…

The Frank Hecht nursery is one of the beauty spots of Council Bluffs. Twenty years ago the tract on which the nursery is located consisted of brush-covered hills and trash-filled hollows. In the spring the hills about the nursery are covered with…
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