Elk Horn, IA


Elk Horn, IA


Local news


Elk Horn, IA
Elk Horn To Vote On High School - Propose $190,000 New Building April 20, 1954
25th Anniversary For Salem Home October 3, 1957
Taking Bids For Building Salem Home June 7, 1961
New Salem Lutheran Home Starts Soon July 9, 1961
'Mother' Palma Finds It Hard To Be Lonely - With 215 Children And Many Grandchildren August 29, 1961
Ex-Steeplejack Thankful He's Still In One Piece January 12, 1962
Long-Distance Lecture Popular With 'Students' - Telephone Hookup Successful March 18, 1964
Why Does Elk Horn Prosper? Because It's One Big Family - Three 'Detectives' Earn $50 Fee April 23, 1964
Do-It-Yourself Initiative Nets Elk horn A Swimming Pool - A Community Effort August 24, 1966
Elk Horn Fire Dept. Restores '29 Truck October 4, 1970
From Roller Rink To Church - Building At Elk Horn September 26, 1971
Windmill On Trucks, But Apparently Lost February 2, 1976
Elk Horn Windmill Almost Done October 17, 1976
'Begejstring' Brings Museum To Elk Horn February 20, 1983
Tradition, Enthusiasm Bring Museum To SWI October 31, 1984
Pride In Danish Heritage Key To Strength And Success Of Town December 7, 1986
Elk Horn, Logan To Get Tourist-Center Grants September 10, 1987
Danish Traditions Remain Vital In SW Iowa December 13, 1987
Immigrant Stories Collected With Artifacts For Posterity December 13, 1987
Elk Horn Tivoli Fest To Let Chips Fall Where They May May 20, 1988
Hjelle Named Superintendent At Elk Horn July 6, 1988
Rain Doesn't End Water Woes In Elk Horn, Wells Still Dry July 18, 1988
EH-K Board Supports Coach; Some Say He Pushes Too Hard August 15, 1990
Elk Horn Danish Windmill Named Attraction Of The Year October 19, 1990
Windmill Contracts Awarded October 22, 1990
Winning - Elk Horn Woman's Faith, Determination Defy Adversity June 30, 1991
Elk Horn Marks Danish Heritage - Windmill Of Man's Mind Becomes Town's Symbol May 23, 1993
Tivoli Offers Taste Of Denmark May 23, 1993


Nonpareil reporting


Daily Nonpareil


Council Bluffs Daily Nonpareil Archives






Newspaper articles


Elk Horn, IA


Western Iowa


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Newspaper clippings

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