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When pumpkins grow on apple trees, it's time to take a second look. Mike McDuffie, 11, son of Mr. aand Mrs. James McDuffie, 21 S. 9th St., admires his 15-pound pumpkin that is thriving in an apple tree--about 20 feet above the ground. Mike got the…

It was Ground-Hog-Day Eve and the temperature was a balmy 51 in Council Bluffs. Atop a hill in Fairmount Park, four Creighton University students and their friends cavorted while on a picnic, becoming silhouettes against the setting sun. It was a…

General Delivery Clerk Henry Christensen, 210 Greenview Drive, prepares to stuff a load of mail into a rented box at the Council Bluffs Post Office. Although this year's volume of Christmas mail was down slightly from last year, postal authorities…

All wiring has moved underground and parking meters have replaced hitching posts. The streets are smooth asphalt and traffic moves one way. The courthouse at left, opened in 1887, is still in use although the tower has come down.

The Spider...pulled down a great share of Lynx rebounds. Paul Merkuris (52) looks like he used four arms and four legs on this effort, as a T.J. defender flounders behind him.

The Splat Of Raindrops...on the faces of Diane Baldwin and Vickie Corum produced smiles as they waited for a traffic signal near Washington School. They are first graders at the school. Nonpareil photo by Jack Kennedy

Doing Some Of His . . . "ear work" is Carmen Gioiello, administrative assistant with the Council Bluffs School System. Gioiello calls school officials from other local systems after traveling some of the bus routes Council Bluffs school children…

On May 10th, 1869, the last spike . . a Golden Spike . . was driven and America was united by the transcontinental Pacific Railway. The Union Pacific's locomotive No. 119 and the Central Pacific's "Jupiter" inched together, finally touching nose to…

The Wickham Scott Street and Broadway resembles an ear of corn if you take the round turret in the building's southwest corner into account. The site of the building was the location of Pacific House, a turn-of-the-century hotel.

The Dead...are carried down the sloping yard of the Convalescent Home to the ambulances below. Spectators helped firemen battle the blaze and care for the injured persons.

The Theater Block, redevelopment of which officials believe can spur further change downtown. In addition to this block, which contains the Crest Theater, other project areas include the Scott Street lot, the old Herman-Marcus and Ogden Hotel sites,…

Glenwood's Rex Theater . . . will continue to provide Mills County residents with feature movies as a result of owner Dan Hilley's plans for the future. Here Hilley, 28, and former owner Byron Hopkins, 72, chat under the marquee. Hopkins also owns…

Theodore Roosevelt school, 1624 Avenue E, is one of the city's newest and most modern buildings.

Eager Students...Carlos Barillas and Raphael Blanco get a lesson in English from Mrs. Nevin Innes.

The Merriwether Lewis dredges silt from the Missouri River channel south of Council Bluffs while three young shoreline "superintendents" scrutinize the operation. They are Debby, Ricky and Mark Orent, ages 6, 8 and 10, whose home is near the…

Much Neater this view of the terrace at Harrison School. Borken concrete collected at the site has been converted into a long retaining wall on the north and east property lines.

Town Jail . . . at Henderson, scheduled for the wrecker's hammer six years ago, still stands.

Walking On Lawn . . . of their schoolhouse are Mrs. Jack Ruppert with kindergartners Ronnie Williams, Kathy Tanner, Glen Potter, Mickey Rabe and Jeff Shellberg.

The word "hotel" is taped over. Residents at the Goodrich don't care what it's called. It's home to them.

Afternoons are relaxing in the lobby, and Dennis Smith, William Jenkins and Don Stodgill take advantage of chairs lined against the west wall. An unidentified man scans the newspaper.
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