Chatting With Electricians...inside a nursing station on the first floor of he new Bethany Home is administrator, Mel Fickenscher. A painter is adding the last coat of paint to the entryway.
Discussing Bethany Lutheran Home which will soon bear the names and location of each resident are Mrs. JoAnn Gohlinghorst, a resident, Frank Ombruni, and Kenneth Christensen.
Presenting The Dr. Arthur J. Seegers, former director of chaplaincy of the American Lutheran Church, at the dedication of the Bethany Lutheran Nursing Home. They are Stanley Nelson, Chairman of the Board; Milford Fickenscher, the…
Mrs. Joseph Nichols...presents the insurance policies to Rev. David Boone, president of the board of directors at the Bethany Lutheran Home, as Done Greene and Mark Anderson, administrator of the home, look on.
Bethany Nursing Home Administrator, M. Sue Mortensen, admires preliminary architectural drawings of a 60-unit apartment building for senior citizens to be built behing the nursing home.
Best Pictures of 1957 and Best Stories (one only) of 1957
See files on Council Bluffs Fires and C.B. Convalescent Home for art on fire at 501 Frank St. 2-13-57
Original photo (positive, un-reversed) of Best_Pictures_1967_1970_2_23_1969_32.jpg. The Daily Nonpareil used the negative/reversed version in its March 23, 1969 issue. Photo depicts brick layers Harold Lewis and Roy Vaughn working at the Council…
photo of damage to house of Mr. and Mrs. David Carter of 1411 Second Ave. after a Cottonwood tree is uprooted. Officer stands in driveway. (Photo not used in the newspaper story of 7-10-1970. Photographer is likely Jack Kennedy.)
Airplane wreckage. Photo apparently not used in the Nonpareil, but associated with photo and article from November 6, 1968, "Bluffs Couple Die In Airplane Crash". Notation on back: "Plane Crash 11-6-65" Couple killed were Ross A. Walker and Alta…