Construction of an addition and renovation at Bloomer School is part of a $6.5 million project proposed for our elementary buildings in the Council Bluffs Community School District in the next two years. Renovation is also proposed for Walnut…
Here are nine of the eleven directors of the Council Bluffs Savings bank, meeting in their quarters in the new bank building. Seated, left to right are H. W. Hazelton, retired; Julius Rosenfeld, president Continental-Keller company; Chairmen E.P.…
The Theater Block . . . between Pearl and Sixth streets on the south side of Broadway will undergo drastic change under the urban renewal plan. The buildings show here are scheduled for demolition.
"Line Handling Detail." Tying up at the wharf are these three coast guardsmen. "You have to handle the line smartly or you may find yourself in the 'drinker' or minus a thumb," comments Gretzer.