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Yes, John Q., We Could Use One
"Our city hall's not so hot," says John Q. Citizen. "It was a classy livery stable fifty years ago, but that doesn't make it a classy city hall today. We could have had a new one practically completed by the WPA by this time if certain local…
Tags: buildings, city hall, City of Council Bluffs
Read To Drive City Hall Piles
After delays of many weeks on the new city hall project at Council Bluffs got under way Monday morning with workers making the lot in readiness for the driving of piles. The first work done Monday morning was moving piling to one side in preparation…
WPA Building Forms For City Hall
With the WPA working a twelve-hour shift to complete driving of piles on the city hall project within the next fifteen to twenty days, workmen are preparing forms for the foundation concrete. This picture, taken from the fifth floor of the Park…
Start on Third Floor
Construction work on the new city hall building is progressing rapidly, Superintendent Pete Tellander said Saturday. Pouring of columns for the south section of the second floor was started last week. Work is also under way for setting the column…
Brickwork Up To Second Story
The above view of the city hall construction work shows workmen completing the laying of brick or the first story at the north wing of the building. The roof for this wing was poured early this week.
Install Jail Equipment
Installation of jail equipment in the south wing of the new city hall building was begun for the Southern Prison Company. Work was started in the felon cage, which consists of six cells. R.P. Tellander (left, city hall construction superintendent,…
Council to View City Hall Cracks; Inside Walls Being Damaged by Water
City Clerk Kennard W. Gardiner...puts his finger in a crack in city hall's roof trim.
Joint Committee May Revise Planning Guide for C. B. Area
Civic Center suggested by Hare and Hare would occupy a square bounded by the courthouse, at right, the Free Pubic Library, left, the City Hall, center background, and an auditorium which replace stored buildings, right background.
City Hall Gets New Telephone System; Talking Business
Testing new City Hall telephone system is A.W. Rasmussen.
Step At A Time
Jack Doty, 3005 Avenue J, city employe, was shaking up City Hall as he worked a jack hammer on the old front steps which have been in disrepair for a couple of years. The City Council budgeted $3,000 for replacement of the steps this year, but final…
Tags: city hall, City of Council Bluffs, Jack Doty
Last Piling For City Hall
Last Piling For City Hall...had just been driven when this photo was taken 30years ago. From left in rear are Gordon O'Neill; George Belshaw; unidentified man; Marion O. Hodge; J. Richard Bogue; Richard Barber. Front row: George Hall; Onel Cain;…
Crane Activity
City Hall saw a little activity Friday morning as a crane owned by Paulson Construction Company of Council Bluffs lifted an air conditioning unit into place atop the "penthouse."
Braille Buttons On City's Patriotic New Elevator
Cutting The the grand opening of the new elevator at City Hall Tuesday morning is Mayor Josephy B. Katelman who had asked for the elevator 32 years ago. On hand at the ceremony are Quentin Renshaw, Floyd "Dutch" Kroger, and Mrs. Evelyn…
City Hall
City Hall
Tags: city hall, City of Council Bluffs
Iowa Power Plant To Throw Switch In October
Towering Over . . . the soon-to-be-completed generating unit south of Council Bluffs is the 550-foot stack at the Iowa Power and Light plant.
Power Line Fight Nearing An End - Case At Supreme Court
Lined Up . . . and waiting for the first flow of electricity from Iowa Power and Light Co.'s new generating plant are the first of the massive power poles to be erected. But the future of more poles - and the transmission line to central Iowa itself…
Plant Opening A Month Away
Looming High In the Sky . . . is the smokestack at the Iowa Power and Light Company south of Lake Manawa. The addition to the plant is expected to be completed in about one month.
Iowa Power and Light Co.
Early History
Iowa Power and Light Co.
Early History
Early History
Iowa Power And Light Co.
File #1b
Iowa Power And Light Co.
File #1b
File #1b