Browse Items (8059 total)

The Lock...of this door was shot by Ronald Brewer when Clarence Alton refused to let him in the apartment.

Dianne Ray...saw her husband, Lawrence, fall after he was shot in the back.

Opening The Council Bluffs Exhibit . . . at the National Industrial Development Exposition are George R. Wimmer and Arnold C. Christensen. The large arrow points to the Bluffs Industrial Foundation site.

The Thomas E. Cavin House at 150 Park Ave. was recently designated a historic place.

The Martin Hughes House, 903 Third St., joined the list of Council Bluffs historical sites.

This three-bedroom frame house at 3141 Ave. H, is included on a list of holdings the federal government is selling to finance the nationwide savings and loan bailout. Price of the home was not listed. The 25,908 properties on the listing range from…

Council Bluffs On Own Power . . . as switches are thrown by District Manager Vern Beats, above, and Distribution Supt. Claude Dilley at the Iowa Power & Light Co. sub-station on North Fifteenth St. Friday night.

Dr. C.V. Edwards Sr., 420 Oakland Ave., Sunday was elected president of Iowa Medical Service, Blue Shield insurance group. He succeeds Dr. Charles P. Hawkins of Clarion.

Nostalgic scenes...are among artist Donna Brown's favorite subjects. She photographs older sights in Council Bluffs and then paints the scenes so they will not be forgotten--even after the buildings have been torn down.

Collapsed Greenhouse...owned by Clarence L. Hardiman sprawls in a heap of framing and glass after it toppled under the weight of snow Thursday on North Fifteenth Street.

Dressed For The Sheron Ganey, 3, as she views a tree limb that fell on her family's car. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ganey, 220 N. 6th St.

Photograph of C. V. Edwards Jr.

Photograph of C. V. Edwards.

Railroads C678.jpg
Photograph of a C. M. & St. Paul Railroad engine. 6 men in the photograph. Trapman, foreman; Jimmy Andrews, inspector; George Hickman, fireman; Lawrence Casey, engineer; Geiser, switchman; Chris Bader, engine foreman.

The first portion of the Washington Avenue Bypass stands out against the dirt surroundings after getting a layer of gravel last week. The curve off East Broadway is now more easily defined. In the background is Mercy Hospital with its new parking lot…

The Route Of The Bypass . . . is shown on this map. The eastern phase of the project, to be completed by late fall or early spring, is shown by the solid line. The dashes represent the portion to be finished later. Also shown is a new street to be…

Passing idle hours . . . with old tunes played on a yellowed keyboard are Alex Feblowitz (seated), Monte Miller, and Adolph Gress.
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