Browse Items (8053 total)

Genealogy C437w.tiff
Engraved portrait of Charles E. Walters

Mayors C676.jpg
Portrait of Cornelius Voorhis, first mayor of Council Bluffs, in 1853.

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Genealogy E455.tiff
Engraved portrait of Eli L. Shugart.

Dodge, G G746k.tif
Engraved portrait of Grenville Mellen Dodge.

Dodge, G G746p.tif
Reproduction of a painting of Grenville Mellen Dodge.

Dodge, G P221b.tif
Engraved portrait of Grenville Mellen Dodge. Same as P221.

Mayors J765h.tif
Drawing of J. Smith Hooten, mayor of Council Bluffs from 1857 - 1858.

Mayors M555.tif
Portrait of Millard F. Rohrer, mayor of Council Bluffs from 1887 to 1889.

Genealogy O776.tiff
Photograph of a portrait of Orson Hyde. Early citizens of Council Bluffs.

Dodge, Ruth Anne R884b.tif
Reproduction of a portrait of Ruth Anne (Mrs. Grenville) Dodge.

Dodge, Ruth Anne R884c.tif
Reproduction of a portrait of Ruth Anne (Mrs. Grenville) Dodge.

Dodge, Ruth Anne R884a.tif
Reproduction of a portrait of Ruth Anne (Mrs. Grenville) Dodge.

Events T668.tif
Portrait of Tom Thumb (Charlie Stratton) and his wife in costumes worn before Emperor Louis Napoleon 1864.

Caption reads: "General Tom Thumb and Wife, Commodore Nutt and Miss Minnie Warren, in identical costumes worn before Emperor Louis…

Business P678.tif
Postcard of the First Federal Savings and Loan Building at Main and Broadway.

Jean Bregant 678.tif
German postcard featuring Jean Bregant

Postcard of Lake Manawa Water Front showing row boats and sail boats.

Two postcards of bathers at Lake Manawa.

Three postcards depicting the Merriam Block in Council Bluffs.

Seven postcards depicting the Council Bluffs Post Office and Federal Building.
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