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Roses for mother. . . of the four Allen boys buried Sunday in these white caskets are plucked from the sprays at her request by the Rev. Raymond Lott at the cemetery near Oakland. --Nonpareil Photo.

Discussing details . . . of the Eilene Allen fund are Mrs. John Tyson, treasurer; the Rev. Antonion Ramirez, president; Mrs. George White, secretary. --Nonpareil Photo.

City Electrician L. W. Roper, rear, and Fire Chief Waldo Merrill enter the burned out home of Mrs. Richard M. Allen at 3207 Sixth Ave. after the fire was extinguished. Four of Mrs. Allen's five children died in the blaze Wednesday night. Story on…

The Douglas street bridge, which Council Bluffs voters refused to purchase for $2,500,000 last Nov. 6 was sold by the tram and bridge companies Monday to the Ak-Sar-Ben organization in Omaha for $2,350.00. Tram company officials made the deal with…

This pix was taken before 1913, perhaps near the turn of the century, said Mrs. Wilson. John F. Allen, tollmaster.

Joe Katelman and Pete Pakey at Ak Bridge

Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge

Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge demolition

Old and new Missouri River bridges

The submerged bridge . . . began trapping ice chunks floating down the Missouri River. Demolition of the bridge's piers is expected to begin after Christmas.

The fallen giant . . . was being cut up for scrap shortly after the blast by workmen for Allied Structural Steel of Hammond, Ind. The sight caused a minor traffic jam on the I-480 bridge as motorists stopped to take a look.

Swapping set . . . from the Iowa side of the Missouri River, Allied Structural Steel employees will soon be moving to Nebraska to prepare for final demolition of the Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge which overshadows the river scene. --Nonpareil Photo.

Ak-Bridge scene . . .won't be changing much in the next few months as decisions are made on how to get rid of the last 400-foot long center span. Several plans have been offered. --Nonpareil Photo.

The object . . . of the Council Bluffs Park Board's efforts the next few weeks will be this three-pillared Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge pier, on which is proposed a two-story, quasi-public building. --Nonpareil Photo.

The last above-water scraps of the mid-channel pier that once supported the Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge Wednesday were being scooped onto a waiting barge for disposal. Large iron plates that were attached to the pier for protection against the ravages of the…

The remains of the Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge came a step closer to obliteration Thursday. Crews continued blasting the bridge's piers, shown behind the crane barge, to bring them down near water level. Truman Ferguson, superintendent of the demolition job,…

For a cutting torch man, working your way to Omaha from Council Bluffs is a slow one-bold-at-a-time pace. As the Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge is chopped up for scrap, traffic continues to roar across the shiny new I-480 bridge to the right. Demolition of the…

At hearing . . . on closing the Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge and its right-of-way are City Atty. Hugh Finerty and Asst. Iowa Atty. Gen. Robert Lego.--Nonpareil Photo.
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