Covered parking lot . . .shows the high water level at the DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge. The parking lot is near the south launching dock area of the refuge. --Nonpareil Photo.
Littering the boat ramp . . . are a number of pilings that have been pulled out of the lake by DeSoto Refuge employe[e]s. Refuge officials say the lake has quite a lot of drift that could be dangerous to boaters. Jerry Jauron, an Iowa river official,…
Looking over a marker designating the excavation site of the sunken steamship Bertrand at the DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge is refuge staff member Ed Loth.
The maker is one of the projects created by the Youth Conservation Corps and was on display…
Now ice bound . . . this section of the Missouri River will become a part of the DeSoto Ben Lake after a new river channel is cut by Army Engineers. Timbered area to right will become a wildlife refuge. --Nonpareil Photo.
Looking north . . .across the Ox Bow Lake proposal. Dotted line at lower left indicates the approximate course the Missouri River channel would take. Land area in center would became wildlife refuge. Sealed off river loop would become a lake.
Jim Frates . . . manager of DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge, demonstrates giant bellows removed from the hull of the steamship Bertrand. Frates said the bellows were used to created extra heat in the boilers of the vessel, which sank more than 100…
New beach area : Swimmers or sunbathers will find a new 1,000-foot sandy beach ready for them this summer at DeSoto Bend National Wildlife Refuge west of Missouri Valley. The swimming area has been relocated to the inside of the bend southeast of the…
New boat launching . . . facilities are located at the south end of the lake. The concrete, six-lane ramp with docks is inspected by manager Dybsetter. This facility replaces a temporary unit to the north which has been closed. Swimming is no longer…
Bathhouse . . . at the new swimming beach is constructed and panel siding provides changing areas and toilets for both men and women. The structure faces north and also houses a well which furnishes drinking water. Just south of the bathhouse is a…
Posing old organ in one of the Victorian homes they own on South Seventh Street are Maurice and Carole Bergquist, 616 S. Seventh. They plan to christen the street Victorian Row, a group of houses that will have apartments, shops and a…