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Henning F736j.tif
Photograph of the Backyard of Frank Henning home, showing barn and chickens.

Henning F736i.tiff
Photograph of the Frank Henning Home at 2902 Avenue B in Council Bluffs, Iowa

Photograph of Frank Fischer.

Blending Elements Of Church And Travel . . . the Council Bluffs Howard Johnson's is designed to look like the 1,000 other restaurants across the country.

Looking Over Land...designated for the construction of a new Baptist Church are Dr. Allan R. Knight, Melvin Smith and William V. Renner.

The "Black Angel" near Fairview Cemetery. The statue's fountain is now flowing again.

The "Black Angel," near Fairview Cemetery. The statue's fountain is now flowing again. --Nonpareil Photo

Fountain - Bayliss Park, Council Bluffs, Iowa

Through the changes in the season, through many generations, the boy and girl on the old iron fountain have kept watch over Bayliss Park. This unusual photo by Larry Sollazzo of The Nonpareil captures the pair in the fountain shower during a sliver…

Parks F686a.tif
Photograph of the original fountain in Bayliss Park.

With winter just around the corner, Parks and Recreation employes [sic] re draining the Bayliss Park fountain of water and removing the 110 color lights and other equipment for the winter season.
Ralph Ulmer, foreground, mans the pump while Bob…

Lamps and nozels [sic] nearly fill the main pool of the new fountain in Bayliss park that is now nearing completion and will be turned on in about a week. Contractor Ed Larsen looks over the maze of equipment that will create a screen of flowing…

Taking a cool break on a warm day are two youths at the Bayliss Park fountain. As hot weather approaches, the two will probably not be the last who try to wade in the cool waters even though it's against city codes.

Photograph of fountain at Lake Manawa.

Parks B48.tif
Picture of the spring fed fountain at Big Lake Park, Council Bluffs, Iowa.

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Welding An Iron Railing . . . at Katelman Foundry, is Ray e. Dietzel. Metal fabricating is one of the two major activities of the firm.

A Ladle Of Molten Iron . . . is carefully poured into a mold by James Walker and Lester Goodman. After cooling, the metal will be a man-hole ring.
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