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Grant Wood Works Preserved, Displayed - At First National Bank
Bill McGonagle . . . director of the Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha, and Dale Ball, chairman of the board at First National Bank, present the three Grant Wood paintings that were dedicated and hung Tuesday morning in a special ceremony. The paintings…
$61,000 In Holdup Loot Returned To Bluffs Bank
Loading Over $61,000 In Bills . . . are deputy U.S. Marshals Jesse Lathrum and Mark Hayes of Des Moines, who transported the money to the First National Bank. The money was stolen in the June 30, 1971 holdup of the bank's westside office.
First National Bank
Hal Booth (left), President of First National Bank of Council Bluffs, is shown above accepting the 1974 Golden Coin Award in New Orleans, Louisiana, for the bank's public affairs project, "Rent-A-Garden." Presenter is Bank Marketing Association…
Sculpture Garden Open
James Sinatra, David Dahlquist and Dale Ball look at the new sculpture in First National Bank's new sculpture garden. The sculpture, which is done around the theme of human interaction with nature, was done by Sinatra in collaboration with John…
First National Bank
Cindi Keathley, with a customer in the Investment Center at First National Bank in Council Bluffs
November 1988
November 1988
First National Bank
Bank President Tony Payne inside First National Bank, Council Bluffs, Iowa
January 1990
January 1990
First National remodels West Broadway Branch
An artist conception shows the remodeling planned for First National Bank's westside office. The bank sign, now on the northeast corner of the structure, will be moved to the northwest side. Off to the right will be an additional drive-in lane as…
Bank Appeals Order To Repay $35,000 Interest On Loans
Tony Payne, President, First National Bank, Council Bluffs, Iowa
Old Landmark Evacuated By Burlington Railroad; Dates Back To Civil War Era
Vacated By The Railroad...this section of the Burlington Freight Depot will be leased to a local concern for warehouse storage.
'Fast Mail' Service Program Slated Here; To Mark Diamond Anniversary
A "Breakneck" Speedster...which averaged 31 miles per hour in a mail run from Chicago to Council Bluffs in 1884 is shown in this 75-year old photograph. The steamer pulled two cars.
End Of The Line
Pacific Junction is becoming the end of the line for many of the Burlington Railroad's old steam locomotives which have been crowded off the road by modern diesel units. The steamers are brought to the marshalling yards at Pacific Junction where…
Take No Chances
Weather beaten sign northwest of County Road G crossing tells motorists a railroad is 300 feet ahead and advises to "take no chances." This and and the usual x-shape railroad crosses are the only warning signs at the intersection. In background are…
Credit Engineer In Zephyr Crash; His Action Prevented More Injuries
Demolished Diesel Unit...lies on its side along Burlington Railroad at wreck scene. Nonpareil photo by Don Patton.
Credit Engineer In Zephyr Crash; His Action Prevented More Injuries
Tracks...were bent into half circle by the big engines as they plowed up several hundred yards of rails and ties.
Driver Is Injured
Paul Pace, 42, 2904 Renner Drive, Twin City Plaza, was admitted to Mercy Hospital early Wednesday afternoon after his station wagon and Burlington switch engine collided near Highway 192 and Thirty-second Avenue. The engine only passes the…
Old Burlington RR Depot Is Purchased By Blue Star
The Burlington Railroad Depot...has been purchased by Blue Star Foods Inc. whose main plant and offices are located across the street from the 79-year-old building. The depot has been used as a freight office since the advent of the Amtrak system and…
Cold Fouls Rails, 23 Cars Dump
Crews Work...into the second day Thursday to clear the main line of the Burlington Northern derailment just North West of Malvern. Of the 23 freight cars derailed, three hopper cars still blocked the cut Thursday forenoon. Division Supt. D.S.…
Result Of Collision
Tying up traffic on Burlington Northern's northbound line, derailed cars block main track into Pacific Junction depot. A railroad spokesman said north-south traffic was being routed onto another line but said damaged track should be back in service…
Engineer dies in train crash
Scattered At fatal train wreck near Pacific Junction, empty coal cars of parked train lie jumbled with those of northbound train that hit it. Five units of the 100-car parked train and 12 of the 110-car northbound train derailed in the…