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  • Tags: Iowa Nurses Association (INA)

"Here's Your Target: . . . Floyd Hughes Jr. tells his team of workers on the Jennie Edmundson Hospital fund drive. He is emphasizing the need for reaching the $500,000 campaign goal.

Playroom Scaled To A Child . . . is enjoyed by one of the first patients in the pediatric department. She is Cathy Strong, 2820 Avenue C, in the hospital for a tonsillectomy. Two full walls are windowed.

Sick Babies In Steel Cribs . . . are tended by Mrs. Wilma King, pediatrics supervisor. Adjustable sides on each of the four cribs in this room permit nurses to care for the infants with the least possible handling.

All The Convenience Of A Boudoir . . . is provided by make-up tray in movable table. Mrs. Clara E. Strobehn, chairman of the hospital board, smiles into mirror while Miss Dorothea Ely shows her the two-bed adult room on second floor.

Heated Cupboard In Pantry . . . makes serving warm food easy for Mrs. Marie Miller, 630 South First Street. Tray and steam carts to the left are both constructed of steel. Coffee burner and toaster supply quick snacks.

Feeling Like A Hotel Guest . . . is an early second floor patient, Mrs. Fern Knight of Malvern. The Rev. Loren Works, hospital chaplain, chats with her. Each room has two-way light unit and oxygen outlet.

Premature Nursery Is Glassed In . . . Glass cubicles house 12 incubators and bassinets in the premature nursery of the new Jennie Edmundson hospital wing. Both "premies" and sick newborn babies will be cared for here. Above each is an individual…

This Unique Setting . . . is called a "Conversation Pit" and is located in the Jennie Edmundson doctors' lounge. It is used by doctors or by small groups for discussion periods or coffees. Additional seating arrangements are on the regular level of…

Discussing Monitor . . . usage for Courtney McPartland are Mrs. Ceci Kiefer, director of patient care at Jennie Edmundson Hospital's Pediatric Department, and the child's mother, Mrs. Jim McPartland.

Proposed Addition . . . to Jennie Edmundson Hospital would not run parallel to existing buildings. The two-level structure is planned to slant into a hill at the rear of the hospital. An existing power plant at the hospital has been omitted in this…

Checking Operations . . . of new waste compactor at Jennie Edmundson Hospital are Katherine Grote, assistant director of housekeeping, Audrey Coffman, director of the Housekeeping Department and Charles Kidder, a custodian.
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