With five of the 11 piers for the new Interstate 80 Highway completed, and work on the other six piers well along in varying stages, crews for the Jensen Construction Co. of Des Moines have lost no time from weather this past year. Looking toward…
Work on the Interstate 80 bridge at Spring Street is now centered near the Nebraska end, with less than 400 feet of deck to be paved. This picture shows the section of the bridge between a paving machine and the Nebraska abutment, which is partially…
Symbolic Linking...of the two states is performed by Nebraska Gov. J.J. Exon, William Gray, chairman of the Iowa Highway Commission, and Council Bluffs Mayor Joseph B. Katelman.
Arranging Former Pulpit Furnishings . . . for display to commemorate Emanuel Lutheran's anniversary are Mrs. Harry C. Hansen, co-chairman for its 90th celebration, and Mrs. Herman Larson, program chairman.
Organization of the Emanuel Lutheran church was effected on Nov. 20, 1890, at the German Lutheran church on Seventh avenue.
Fifteen persons formed the first congregation, of which six were men, three were women and the remainder were children. They…
Ground Breaking: Turning the first spadeful of dirt as ground is broken Sunday for the new Emanuel Lutheran Church is the Rev. C. Arthur Freeberg, pastor. Waiting their turn with the spade are John A. Smith, left, finance committee member, Mrs. Eric…
Demonstrating "MagneBell" System . . . that will flood the area around Emanuel Lutheran Church with the sound of music is the Rev. Dale E. Bard. The new system will be dedicated this Sunday.
"Showing Off" . . . three-year-old Emanuel Lutheran Church is its pastor the Rev. C. Arthur Freeberg. His guest is the Rev. Erni T. Holm of Pine City, Minn., a former minister of the congregation.
With Helen Weimar, who instigated the drive for funds in the Business and Professional Women's Club, at the wheel, the Fire Rescue Squad car was delivered at Central Fire Station Friday afternoon. the care was purchased by public subscription through…