This Stately Old School . . . known as East Elementary School in Glenwood, will be closed down and be replaced by a larger, newer structure if voters in the Glenwood Community School District pass a $975,000 bond issue Monday. The new school, to be…
Standing In A Former Earth Lodge . . . are young men from the Glenwood area who are helping John Hotapp, left, rear, excavate the remains of an Indian family home which stood here more than 700 years ago. Hotapp said workers on the nearby…
Portions of East Elementary . . . were built in the late 1800s and completed in the early 1900s. If a bond issue for a new building is proposed it would probably be under $1 million, school officials said.
(top) Room For The Family . . . in this little 1900 bedroom. At night the trundle bed was pulled out for the children while mom and pop had the big feather bed to themselves. Baby was placed in the 190-year-old cradle which can ingeniously be rocked…
Forrest Mayberry . . . lieutenant of the rescue squad, stands near the Glenwood Fire Department's rescue unit, one of the department's newest vehicles in the one-year-old fire station. The rescue unit will be freed for more specialty work when the…
Company A, 1st Battle Group, 168th Infantry of the Iowa National Guard, has moved into its new armory at Glenwood. Although some work remains to be completed, the unit has been using the armory for drills. The building, 124 feet wide by 148 feet…
Standing On Steps . . . of Glendale Church are the Rev. J. M. Strong, its pastor, and Bert Nielsen who is chairman of the church's anniversary activities.
The Highest Point . . . at Camp Neyati is Rose Lodge. From the balcony, the 22-acre lake and one of the camp units can be viewed. Katherine Schmitz, executive director of the Nishnabotna Girl Scout Council, smiles as she recalls the eight years of…
Girl Scouts won't get their feet wet - unless they want to - when they cross a lake at Camp Neyati near Glenwood. Council Bluffs Business and Professional Women donated $670 for this suspension bridge. Only the handrails are left to be installed. …