General Dodge Papers - The War Period, Book 5
December 1864 (partial, please refer to "General Dodge Papers - Book 4 - December 1864" for the remainder)
For an index for Book 5, please refer to the "General Dodge Papers - Book 5 Index"…
Extracts from Illinois Central Magazine January 1914. (Story of I. C. lines during the Civil Conflict 1861-65. Page 1 to 14 inc.).
How General Rawlins Came to be a Cabinet Minister. (Chas. Aldrich…
Recollections of General Grant.
Delegate as one of Inter-State Commission.
Early History of Union Pacific and its Relations to Omaha.
Death of J. B. Hawley.
Colorado Midland Railway.
Death of Major…
The Secret Service of the Civil War.
Address on Walter I. Smith for Congress.
Purchase of C. & O. Ry by Howley Interests.
Publication of How We Built the Union Pacific by the U. S.…