Scuba Divers...bubble near the surface of the pond covering the sunken steamboatd Bertrand at the DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge. Marker at left informs visitors of the century-old boat's remains. The three-man scuba diving team is determining how…
A Three-man Scuba Diving puncturing the hull of the sunken steamboat Bertrand at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge near Missouri Valley. What they find may determine how best to preserve the century-old hulk.
Marching Band . . . poses with instructor Warren Darrah, right, in gym at Glenwood State School-Hospital. The group will give a concert in Des Moines later this month.
Area hunters tramped into the fields in Southwest Iowa Saturday as pheasant season officially opened with an audible bang at 8 a.m. Peter Trzeciak, 1312 N. Broadway, was on hand to try his skill east of Council Bluffs. Game predictions place Western…
The bull elk at Botna Bend Park at Hancock takes a break under a small shade tree in his pen to get away from Southwest Iowa's warm summer sun. The tree is in its own pen to keep the elk from devouring the leaves.
Weather beaten sign northwest of County Road G crossing tells motorists a railroad is 300 feet ahead and advises to "take no chances." This and and the usual x-shape railroad crosses are the only warning signs at the intersection. In background are…
Sharing love for music . . . are Darlynn Meyerson, left, Mega Prever, Mr. and Mrs. Guisepper Prever, Mrs. Leo Meyerson and Mr. Meyerson. -- Nonpareil Photo.
Fine River View . . . is seen from Mt. Vernon Garden enroute to historic Bellevue, Neb. Monument commemorates river exploration work of Maximilian, the Prince of Wied, in 1833-34.
Mormon Pioneer Memorial Bridge . . . spans the Missouri River between Crescent and Florence. It is just north of the old Mormon ferry landing. The bridge was first talked of by the early Crescent settlers about 95 years ago. This photograph was taken…
Murray Hill . . . prominent bluff on scenic hill drive between Little Sioux and Pisgah is pictured from card window. The road is the Highway 183 detour and is in excellent condition.
Lewis and Clark State Park . . . on Blue Lake near Onawa features lake shore picnic tables and a fine sandy beach. The park extends over 187 acres. The lake covers an additional 991 acres. There's good fishing here.
Old Pioneer Cemetery . . . near Oakland has a dozen marked graves in its quarter-acre plot. Unmarked graves are thought to be under surrounding corn fields. The cemetery is on the farm of Frank Foreman.
Holding Two Gallibeyas . . . or Egyptian dresses is Thomas Jefferson High School teacher R.H. Flanders. He spent part of his summer vacation touring the Middle East and will be passing on his newly acquired knowledge on the subject to T.J. students.
Photograph of businesses on Broadway and North 1st street in Council Blufss, Iowa. T. J. Clark, Grocer; A. S. Beck; S. Stern; Imbrie & Davidson hardware; Johnson Spratler & Co., groceries dry goods.