Seldom seen by key in the operation of a modern bank are the employes of the bookkeeping, transit and proof departments. here are the employes of the Council Bluffs Savings bank, shown in their new quarters just off the main lobby. Employes in this…
From West Broadway and Pearl street, this is the view of the proposed new Council Bluffs Savings bank building. The structure and interior finishings will cost approximately $200,000, Architect Henry J. Schneider said. This two-story building will…
(top) Everybody Has Job . . . at Keg Creek School. Robert Boehm moves a desk so Mary Ann Jurgens and Jean Hobus can dust and sweep, while Marsha Hobus scrubs the blackboard.
(bottom) Outdoor Duties . . . have Leo Jurgens pulling in the flag,…
Preparing A Cap . . . to stop the steel flowing from the cupola into the ladle is Willie Riley, Omaha. The steel worker uses a sand mixture similar to what the molds are made of to stop the molten steel flow each time the ladle is ready.