Browse Items (7727 total)

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is how Broadway, looking west from Glen Avenue, appears on a postcard dated 1907. Traffic was no problem, and hitching posts stood in front of each store building. This card came from Harry Neill, 721 S. 6th St.

Today...motor vehicles replace the horse-drawn rigs. And instead of hitching posts, Broadway is well lined with parking meters. Most of the buildings in the old photo have been remodeled or replaced within the last 50 years.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back in February of 1907, the nurses line up for a picture outside of the Council Bluffs General Hospital at Ninth Street and Sixth Ave. The old photo came from E.W. Cox of Van Nuys, Calif, via his brother, Lloyd Cox…

Today...the old hospital is gone. And the northwest corner of Ninth St. and Sixth Ave. is solid with houses. Patients were transferred from the old General Hospital in June of 1907 to the the then new Jennie Edmundson Hospital at Oak and Pierce…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is the first bridge across the Missouri River at Council Bluffs. It was built in 1888. This photo, taken from the Iowa side, belongs to Mrs. Grace Kinney of 911 First Ave. It came from the possessions of her…

Today...the span, now called Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge, has been doubled in width to keep up with increased traffic. The 5,700-foot long bridge was sold to the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben by the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway Co. in 1938 for $2,350,000. …

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is how Indian Creek looked in 1914, when it ran through Council Bluffs as an open ditch. The creek was high and full of trash when this photograph was taken at the bridge on Ninth Street, between Broadway and…

Changing_Scene_3_3_1957_014.jpg would never know the creek still existed from this view at Ninth Street. The creek channel is encased in concrete through the main part of the city., And its top is used as street. [sic] The creek project was complete as a WPA project…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back in 1879, when this picture was taken, the Council Bluffs Iron Works stood on the north-west corner of Main and Pine Streets. This old print came from Dr. Frederick F. Teal of Lincoln, Neb. Pine Street is now…

Intersection . . . of relocated Highway 34 (center) and Highway 71 to right and left has been the scene of several accidents.

The new Highway 34 Expressway from Glenwood to Interstate Highway 29 was busy with traffic Saturday following its official dedication Friday. The highway's dedication was also part of "Pioneer Days" in Glenwood.

Pondering Plans . . . for a modernized Highway 64 are Clarence Russell of Weston, Raymond Kassell of Ames, Ralph Beck of Underwood and R.M. Terry of Weston.

'Cowpath' Shoulders . . . are being widened west of Neola as preparation for the new surfacing of "the roughest road between here and Florida."

Part of the improvement program underway on Highway 64 between Council Bluffs and Neola is the relocation of a short section of the highway at the top of Canning Hill. The curve in the present paving will be eliminated and a new, straight section of…

Today...the site is occupied by the Roy A. Scofield Co. Before Scofield took over the corner, the Council Bluffs and Omaha transfer warehouse occupied the site. In excavating the elevator pit at Scofield's, workmen ran into much slag and foundry…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This old brick structure on Thomas Street, between Broadway and Pierce Street, was built by Mr. and Mrs. Herman Grote Sr., who cam here in 1856. It originally was a barn and stable; then was converted into a house. …

Today...the site of the old Grote building is used as a drive and parking lot for the Safeway Store. No sign of the ancient structure remains. A service station occupied the lot at Thomas St. and Broadway, to the left of the drive. The change in…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is how the building at 101 Pearl St., looked 72 years ago. It was occupied by J.W. & E.L. Squire title and abstract office, with Barke's photograph gallery on the second floor. This picture appears in the…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back in 1887, this large brick home on the northwest corner of First Ave., and Sixth St., was occupied by the E.L. Shugart family. This is one of the pictures in Council Bluffs Illustrated, which was published in 1887.…
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