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Mary Louise Dunshee, 17, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Max S. Dunshee, and John Gretzer, 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Gretzer, have the leading rolls in the play "Big-Hearted Herbert," which is being presented in the Abraham Lincoln high school auditorium…

"Self Portrait." Gretzer made this sketch of himself at the wheel of a landing barge. He took part in the invasions of North Africa, Sicily and Italy. Combat artists, like Gretzer, are first of all fighting men. At sea his station was at a 20 mm.…

"Beach Party," A beach party from a coast guard-manned combat transport is shown entering an invasion barge. Once ashore, the beach party will set up ship-to-shore communications and help in unloading the barges.

"Mediterranean Port Scene," says Gretzer, is a typical view of an unnamed Mediterranean port where American fighters and transports give up the bulk from their cavernous holds.

"Fire Control," a study of a U.S. coast guardsman on fire control duty aboard ship. The fire control man wears colored glasses to enable him to look into the sun and identify approaching planes.

"Unloading Under Fire." Working in heavy seas, coast guardsmen are shown unloading tins of high test gasoline. Other landing barges await nearby, as operations under fire continue.

"Wounded." Transfer of a wounded man from a landing barge to a coast guard manned transport. It was sketched off Salerno, which Gretzer said was the roughest of invasions, as far as the men were concerned.

"Greeting the Dawn." Coast guardsmen see a new dawn break over the sea. "Dawn always give you a wonderful feeling of relief," says Gretzer, "because it relieves you of the fear of something happening before you see it."

"Off Watch Below Deck," depicts a typical below-deck scene aboard ship. Off duty, these crewmen write home, mend socks and clothing, and catch up on sleep.

"Hoisting the Boats." Coast guardsmen are depicted swinging a ship's boat onto the chocks.

"Line Handling Detail." Tying up at the wharf are these three coast guardsmen. "You have to handle the line smartly or you may find yourself in the 'drinker' or minus a thumb," comments Gretzer.

Today...about the only comparison to the 1868 photo is the general shape of the street. Parking meters take the place of the old hitching posts, along with paving and modern buildings. At left center is the IOOF temple.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is how the old Mynster Springs house east of Big Lake appeared in 1900. Like many of the city's older homes, it was built of brick. Note the heavy window shutters hung from the barn door type track. In the…

Today...the house looks like this. It is now the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Schlott. The lines of the old house have ben changed so much that it bears little resemblance to the original place. In addition to remodeling the house, the Schlotts…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is the Illinois Central drawbridge about the turn of the century, when pedestrians were permitted to cross it. A double track railroad bridge and one of the largest of its kind in the world, it was built across…

Today...the bridge has dwindled in use. It is now a single track bridge used exclusively for river crossing of five or six freight trains a day. No pedestrian or auto traffic use the bridge. Only half of the bridge floor is floored with railroad…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--When the Illinois Central Railroad station was built here in the early 1900's, plans were to continue the road on to the west. That's the reason the station was built on such a generous scale--to house various…

Today...after considerable remodeling in 1950, the Illinois Central station now looks like this. it is now the freight station, since passenger service on the Council Bluffs line has been discontinued. in the background can be seen the Broadway…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is the first building occupied by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints. Built in 1869, it was west of Glen Ave. on Pierce St. This picture, from the collection of Mrs. Guy A. Nelson of…
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