Lewis Township Fire Dept.


Lewis Township Fire Dept.


Local news


Lewis Township Fire Dept.
Annexation Leaves Manawa Volunteer Firemen Confused - City Services Move In June 8, 1969
27 Men Volunteer For New Fire Department - To Serve Lewis Township July 8, 1969
Proposes Site for Fire Department July 14, 1969
Volunteers Mill Request Is Approved August 2, 1972
Lewis Firemen Elect Officers September 12, 1972
Fire Truck Bids Accepted January 31, 1973
New Pumper for Lewis Township April 14, 1974
Lewis Scuba Team Needs Funds - Walkie-Talkies First On List May 5, 1974
New Building Considered For Lewis Township Fire Dept. June 1, 1975
Lewis Township Has New, Small Firetruck May 23, 1976
Winter Diving Fun, But Cold February 6, 1977
Scuba Team Needs Help Getting New Equipment June 24, 1977
New Boat For Rescue Effort October 16, 1977
Search For Underwater 'Body' Gives Divers Vital Experience (No Date - circa 1980's)
Lewis Fireman To Build Its Own Tanker Truck June 8, 1980
Lewis Township Billed For Water July 16, 1986
Lewis Township To Use Grant For Scuba Suits September 3, 1986
Lewis Chief Nelson Pulls Boy From Water March 27, 1987
Volunteer Firefighters Mark 25th Anniversary October 1, 1994


Nonpareil reporting


Daily Nonpareil


Council Bluffs Daily Nonpareil Archives


1969 - 1994




Newspaper articles


Lewis Township Fire Dept.


Council Bluffs, Iowa


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Newspaper clippings

Original Format
