Council Bluffs Daily Nonpareil Archives


Council Bluffs Daily Nonpareil Archives


News, events and people of Council Bluffs and Southwest Iowa.


Newspaper clippings and photographs from the Council Bluffs Daily Nonpareil


Council Bluffs Daily Nonpareil Archives

Collection Items

Scenic Loess Hills Turn Into Eyesores
A dirt-moving vehicle sits at the George Paulson construction Co. site just off Highway 375 near Woodbury Avenue. Paulson says has a permit to hail soil from the site which is also part of development plans for the site.

Little Sioux Village
Little Sioux, Iowa

Bluffs Developers Plan Motel - Near Little Sioux
The Bunk House . . . at the proposed Little Sioux Village tourist development will be a Best Western motel, project developer William Daley of Council Bluffs announced. The 104-unit motel will be of western style and include a meeting room and…

Little Sioux Village Planned - $1.25 Million Tourist Area
Little Sioux Village . . . will be a re-creation of the old west, complete with old west costumes, hitching rails, a stagecoach and 25-cent haircuts. Bill Dailey, project developer, and Ted Morse, designer, hope construction can begin by the first of…

Little Sioux, Iowa
(Including Murray Hill)

Murray Hill Claims View, Area's Only 'Mountain' Road - Four-Way Vista For Energetic Sunday Drivers
'Mountain' Road . . . complete with "Slow" and "Danger" signs winds south across the side of Murray Hill.

Murray Hill Claims View, Area's Only 'Mountain' Road - Four-Way Vista For Energetic Sunday Drivers
View From Top . . . of Murray Hill between Little Sioux and Pisgah looks across other hills, farms and the Little Sioux River running north into the horizon.

Little Sioux Church Will Mark 100th Anniversary
Original Church Building . . . of the Little Sioux Methodist congregation still serves that community. A special centennial service will be held Sunday.

Lincoln Memorial

The New Look:
Flaming gas torches atop fancy iron work and fresh brick flowerbeds give the Lincoln Monument a new look. The renovated monument at Lafayette Avenue and Oakland Drive was dedicated Tuesday evening in a brief ceremony.

Lincoln Monument
Unveiling . . . of the Lincoln Monument is performed by Nathan Phillips Dodge III, at right, while a National Guard color guard stands at attention at left. The plaque is a new art concept of Abraham Lincoln.

St. Albert Elementary School--Intermediate Building
3330 4th Ave.

C.B. Schools--Rue Elementary School
3326 6th Avenue

School Bond Vote Monday Is Important;  "Welfare of Children Is at Stake," Claims Supt. Russel Mourer
Proposed Addition To Rue School...would extend south from present building with the portion containing the auditorium jutting to the west. The wind would include seven new classrooms. Main entrance would still be in the old building. Sketch by G.B.…

Rue renovation will bring school up to date
Rue Elementary is slated to undergo $887,000 worth of renovation including construction of an addition on the west side of the building over the next two years. The proposed addition is shaded in this architects' drawing. Bloomer, Walnut Grove and…

C.B. Schools--Rose Kennedy School
1414 West Broadway

Kennedy School gets tricycles
Hand-made Tricycles...were donated to Rose Kennedy School Tuesday. Here Guy Godios, president of the Cornhusker Chapter of the Telephone Pioneers of America, shows Chad Putman, 6, how to operate the tricycle. Sandra Monroe, 7, is helped by Jack…

End near for Kennedy school? Handicapped may be integrated
Rose Kennedy School...may be closed due to high costs, declining enrollments and legalities, Council Bluffs School officials say. The building at 1414 W. Broadway is school for 24 severely and profoundly mentally handicapped students.

Car showroom soon to be classes; For trainable mentally handicapped
Installing Posts...for a fence around the new school for Trainable Mentally Handicapped students at Fifteenth Street and Broadway are Jerry Miran, Joe Sedlacek and Rick Suiter all of Cardinal Manufacturing of Omaha.

Unique Maneuver By Army Helps Blaze Lincoln Highway
Leftover Road Signs . . . from a bygone motor era are "rediscovered" by Richard Willey and Lloyd W. Roper.
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