Carter Lake, Iowa #2
local news
Carter Lake, Iowa
(Iowa community on Nebraska side of River)
File #[?]
to 10/30/1979
(Iowa community on Nebraska side of River)
File #[?]
to 10/30/1979
To Appeal Carter Lake Land Ruling; Omaha, Society Seek Control of 146 Acres. January 22, 1953
Plan 2 Types of Bingo at Carter Lake; 10 'Special Games' Cost Extra; No Food or Drink Is Involved. June 19, 1953
BGC Launces 'Reform' Campgaign At Carter Lake. November 29, 1954
Carter Lake Residents Take Lots Of Pride In Their Town--'Over There.' January 20, 1957
Carter Lake Wants To Remain In Iowa--Not Be Given To Nebraska; Boundary Study Committee Is Told. December 13, 1957
Sentiment In Favor Of Iowa. Septemeber 18, 1958
Reject Transfer Of Carter Lake; Iowans Say 'No' To Nebraska Plan. September 19, 1958
Carter Lake Boom Continues; 130 New Houses Added To Tax Rolls. February 11, 1960
Favor Retention Of Carter Lake; Goundary Group Voices Opinion. April 12, 1960
Mabrey Rips Into Nebraska; Seeks Carter Lake To Get 'Tax Money.' April 13, 1960
Carter Lake Census: 2, 281; Nearly Double 1950 Population. April 28, 1960
Divided Views On Carter Lake; Hoxie Gives Weight To People's Wishes. August 18, 1960
Carter Lake Residents Will Select Iowa At Boundary Hearing Sept. 17; By An Overwhelming Majority, Say Town Officials. September 1, 1960
It's Unanimous. September 18, 1960
Loud, Clear And Unanimous: Carter Lake People Pick Iowa. September 18, 1960
They're Migrating Fast To Carter Lake, IOWA; From Neighboring Nebraska...October 6, 1960
If Carter Lake School Cries Help, PTA Comes Running; Job Becoming Larger Every Day, But. October 20, 1960
Carter Lake Residents Do Reverse On Paving; With Cost More Than They Though; November 1, 1960
Carter Lake Pupils Get Course In Business At "Little Store;' They May Not Realize It But...November 13, 1960
Petition For Street Paving Is Rejected At Carter Lake; In Specialy City Council Meeting. November 16, 1960
Carter Lake's Future Still Unsettled; Action Delayed; Waiting On Survey Reports. November 23, 1960
Firm Buys Land At Carter Lake; Steel Company Eyes Future Development. December 8, 1960
'Carter Lake Big Asset To Iowa;' State Development Group Gives Report. December 21, 1960
Voter Center Of River Boundary; Action May Affect Carter Lake Future. December 21, 1960
'Sold Down The River,' Carter Lake Opinions; Bitterness About Boundary Commission Decision. December 22, 1960
County Support To Carter Lake; Supervisors May Adopt Resolution. December 22, 1960
Says Carter Lake A 'Lay-Off Center' For Bookmakers
Sen. Moore: 'Carter Lake's Location Isn't Main Issue In Boundary Question;' Iowa Committee Member Explains His Vote. December 27, 1960
Carter Lake Residents Free-Loadin' On Iowa? Peculiar Tax Situation, Claims Rep. Free... January 1, 1961
Drivers and School Kids Better Pay Heed--Moms Will 'Git Ya.' January 10, 1961
'Won't Give Carter Lake Away'--Lisle. January 16, 1961
Rep. Lisle Astonished By Pleas To Keep Carter Lake In Iowa; Strong Support To Strong Stand. January 20. 1961
Two Teeners Admit Wave Of Carter Lake Breakins; 'Broke Into Church 45 Times." January 24, 1961
Planning New Bank Office; State Savings Eyes Carter Lake Facility. February 7, 1961
Senate Debate On Carter Lake; Open Hearing Set For Next Wednesday. April 6, 1961
Keep Carter Lake In Iowa, Turner Pleads; Boundary Line Case Opens In Senate. April 11, 1961
Carter Lake Gains Strong Foothold; 28-19 Senate Vote To Keep Town In Iowa. April 12, 1961
House Votes To Keep Carter Lake In Iowa; Stageman Leads Successful Fight. April 18, 1961
Iowa's Welfare Suffers By Saving Carter Lake; Rep. Maule Claims. April 23, 1961
Carter Lake Presbyterians Will Build; Construction To Start In Fall. May 27, 1961
Carter Lake School Is Bulging; Kindergarten Classes In Gym. September 26, 1961
Carter Lake Presbyterian Church Has New Pastor; Installation Is Sunday. November 11, 1961
Holy Trinity To Open Doors Sunday For First Services; The Rev. Clair Giebert Says. February 2, 1962
Bitter Cold Killed Mother, 2 Children At Carter Lake; Death Due To Exposure. March 3, 1962
Carter Lake Students On Full-Time Schedule. December 11, 1962
Carter Lake--Short On Revenue, Long On Kids; $115,000 Bond Issue Comes To Vote Friday. March 7, 1962
Carter Lake Residents Are Firm About Staying Iowans; Rep. Maule Would 'Give' Community To Nebraska. February 17, 1963
Subcommittee To Hear Carter Lake Delegation. March 21, 1963
Carter Lake Residents Frown On New Boundary Line Proposal; Want To Stay In Iowa. April 16, 1963
Installation, Dedication Ceremonies Set For Sunday; Carter Lake Church. June 15, 1963
Carter Lake Remains Only Point In Border Dispute; Boundary Groups Reach No Decision. November 21, 1963
Boundary Group's Proposal Falls Flat At Carter lake; Same Plan As Rejected By Iowa Legislature. January 10, 1964
Should Cede Carter Lake; Hughes Anxious To Settle Dispute. January 30, 1964
Hughes, Morrison Agree On Channel As Boundary Line; Massive Legal Problems Seen, But...January 31, 1964
State Clears Tax Profit From Carter lake; 2,800 People More Than Carry Their Own Weight. February 7, 1964
Carter Lake To Have Jaycees. March 6, 1964
19 Signed For New C.L. Jaycee Club. March 13, 1964
Carter Lake Club Picks '64 Officers. March 16, 1964
Oswald Elected By Lake Jaycees. March 25, 1964
Cession Of Carter Lake Not Solving Problem; What Benefit To Western Iowa? May 21, 1964
Carter Lake Residents 'Sound Off;' Survey Is "The Voice Of The People.' July 16, 1964
Cede Carter lake? Commission 'Yes', Mabrey Cries 'No'. October 13, 1964
Construction Booming In Carter Lake. November 26, 1964
$70,000 School Bond Election To Be April 13; Carter lake Facilities Crowded. March 21, 1965
Carter Lake Bond Issue Is Approved. April 14, 1965
Ask Post Office For Carter Lake. May 25, 1965
C.L. Wants More Than Stamp Store; P.O Department Asks Branch. June 25, 1965
Carter Lake Makes Move To Remain Part Of Iowa; Printed Plea To Legislators. January 6, 1965
No Doubt About Iowa Border In Carter Lake. January 26, 1965
Printing Plant. July 4, 1965
Sheriff Has Hot Words About Carter Lake P.D.; At Better Government Meet. September 2, 1965
Probe Is Under Way In Carter Lake; Investigating Vandalism. November 4, 1965
C.L. Probe Is Started. November 4, 1965
Carter Lake To Get Own Post Office. May 7, 1966
City Now In Step With Post Office. June 2, 1966
Carter Lake Will Build First Children's Park. April 4, 1967
Carter Lake Gets Library; No Longer A Dream. January 19, 1969
Flag, Lights Recent Library Additions; Congressman Visits. March 7, 1969
Carter Lake Council To Discuss Pollution. July 23, 1969
Carter Lake Wants Water Preservation. June 10, 1969
Carter Lake Council Eyes Testing Of 14 Private Septic Tanks. August 27, 1969
Carter Lake Pollution Not From Septic Tanks. January 13, 1970
Assessor Will Open An Office In Carter Lake. January 25, 1970
Carter lake, Treynor Populations Increase. January 10, 1971
'Scare Tactics' Won't Work On Carter Lake Councilman. July 26, 1971
Carter Lake Police: We'll Return If Chief Bruno Fired. October 20, 1971
New Policeman Hired For Carter Lake Force. October 18, 1971
Traffic Ticket Dismissed After Officers Resign. May 25, 1972
Carter Lake Library Moves To New But 'Sagging' Home. October 13, 1973
Carter Lake Swears In New Mayor. January 3, 1974
First Pumper For Carter Lake. January 28, 1974
Carter Lake Fire Department Seeks Funds For Replacement; Fire Damage At $100,000. February 11, 1974
Short Circuit Is Fire Cause At Carter Lake. February 15, 1974
Carter Lake 'Smokettes' Pay For Fire Equipment. April 2, 1974
$2,000 Raised To Replace Fire Equipment. June 17, 1974
Carter Lake Teen Club Buys House. June 23, 1974
Carter Lake Celebrates. August 17, 1975
Carter Lake Has Police Dog; Police Chief, Spike Train. August 24, 1975
Carter Lake Ballroom fire smoldering, cause unknown. December 10, 1975
Waltrip studying police problems. July 16, 1976
4th police chief quits. July 17, 1976
C.L. firement in new home; risen from the ashes. C.L. firemen in new home. July 26, 1976
Afternoon ceremonies for buildings. August 8, 1976
New C.L. library; Permanent home at last. October 3, 1976
Fire department 'like a Phoenix.' October 3, 1976
Carter Lake has potential: mayor. October 3, 1976
Small town by a roaming river. October 3, 1976
Waltrip doesn't expect trouble from Klan rally. November 18, 1976
Klan burns cross in C.L.; promises more in future. November 19, 1976
Mayor feels Carter Lake's future bright. November 30, 1976
Industry is goal for Carter Lake. January 2, 1977
Topless ordinance in C.L. is upheld. January 11, 1977C.L. house is almost like George's. January 16, 1977
Vote additions for C.L. school. March 22, 1977
Carter Lake goal a big new city hall. April 24, 1977
C.L. plans for home repair $$. May 1, 1977
Carter Lake residents plan 'better tomorrow'. May 1, 1977
Carter Lake discusses new city building. September 19, 1977
Flood of calls deluges chief. January 3, 1978
Carter Lake officers return to police force. January 4, 1978
Carter Lake police fuss storms on but no change. January 6, 1978
Lesley says police chief issue closed. January 10, 1978
Carter Lake ready for new, modern City Hall. April 30, 1978
Carter Lake sues former policeman. March 6, 1978
Former officers agrees to return police gear. March 7, 1978
City Council election sought; Would nullify Carter Lake appointment. May 23, 1978
Special election emerges from Carter Lake turmoil. June 6, 1978
Carter Lake To Build Library. June 17, 1975
Former chief at Carter Lake sues. June 19, 1978
Carter Lake files answer to wage suit. June 26, 1978
C.L. policemen allowed to resign. July 1, 1978
Ground broken for C.L. senior citizens center. July 16, 1978
Councilman seeks halt to election. July 18, 1978
C.L. election ruling Thursday. July 25, 1978
Appointee dumped in council election. August 2, 1978
Lesley vows to build golf course. October 17, 1978
Carter Lake sued for fine of $5,000 a day. October 20, 1978
Golf course hopes green up for Carter Lake mayor. October 24, 1978
Carter Lake to test water. October 27, 1978
Patrol girl, boy of year honored at Carter Lake. November 9, 1978
Carter Lake council may drop planning group. November 14, 1978
Carter Lake to get taxi cab. November 13, 1978
Sheriff may protect city. November 14, 1978
Carter Lake questions asked. November 16, 1978
Police chief must live within state. November 22, 1978
New members to planning board at Carter Lake. November 22, 1978
Kids thankful for a lot; God and pets included. November 23, 1978
Council studies sheriff option. November 28, 1978
Carter Lake plan group flap tabled. November 28, 1978
Carter Lake fund-raisers produce $700. December 20, 1978
Churchman is C.L. attorney. January 9, 1979
PAWS not going to Carter Lake. January 16, 1979
Carter Lake junior high to Wilson? February 22, 1979
Cause of fish kill may not be known. March 28, 1979
Courts to rule on C.L. police case. March 30, 1979
Unpaid officer seeks back wages. April 10, 1979
Suit eyed by Carter Lake. April 13, 1979
Groups to help Carter Lake fish problems. April 14, 1979
Carter Lake must pay officer. April 27, 1979
Carter Lake has new chief. May 31, 1979
Summer reading at C.L. Library. June 1, 1979
C.L. police hiring duty may shift. July 11, 1979
Ray to key opening of first C.L. bank. July 13, 1979
Ray: Bank shows C.L. optimism. July 16, 1979
Animal problems 'dog' Carter Lake. July 19, 1979
C.L. library sets film series. July 20, 1979
New library for school; Carter Lake expands. July 22, 1979
'Personality clash for C.L. police.' July 26, 1979
Carter Lake to get library. August 14, 1979
Lesley veto on police hiring stands. August 28, 1979
'Tweety' a blue-breasted teacher. October 21, 1979
Plan 2 Types of Bingo at Carter Lake; 10 'Special Games' Cost Extra; No Food or Drink Is Involved. June 19, 1953
BGC Launces 'Reform' Campgaign At Carter Lake. November 29, 1954
Carter Lake Residents Take Lots Of Pride In Their Town--'Over There.' January 20, 1957
Carter Lake Wants To Remain In Iowa--Not Be Given To Nebraska; Boundary Study Committee Is Told. December 13, 1957
Sentiment In Favor Of Iowa. Septemeber 18, 1958
Reject Transfer Of Carter Lake; Iowans Say 'No' To Nebraska Plan. September 19, 1958
Carter Lake Boom Continues; 130 New Houses Added To Tax Rolls. February 11, 1960
Favor Retention Of Carter Lake; Goundary Group Voices Opinion. April 12, 1960
Mabrey Rips Into Nebraska; Seeks Carter Lake To Get 'Tax Money.' April 13, 1960
Carter Lake Census: 2, 281; Nearly Double 1950 Population. April 28, 1960
Divided Views On Carter Lake; Hoxie Gives Weight To People's Wishes. August 18, 1960
Carter Lake Residents Will Select Iowa At Boundary Hearing Sept. 17; By An Overwhelming Majority, Say Town Officials. September 1, 1960
It's Unanimous. September 18, 1960
Loud, Clear And Unanimous: Carter Lake People Pick Iowa. September 18, 1960
They're Migrating Fast To Carter Lake, IOWA; From Neighboring Nebraska...October 6, 1960
If Carter Lake School Cries Help, PTA Comes Running; Job Becoming Larger Every Day, But. October 20, 1960
Carter Lake Residents Do Reverse On Paving; With Cost More Than They Though; November 1, 1960
Carter Lake Pupils Get Course In Business At "Little Store;' They May Not Realize It But...November 13, 1960
Petition For Street Paving Is Rejected At Carter Lake; In Specialy City Council Meeting. November 16, 1960
Carter Lake's Future Still Unsettled; Action Delayed; Waiting On Survey Reports. November 23, 1960
Firm Buys Land At Carter Lake; Steel Company Eyes Future Development. December 8, 1960
'Carter Lake Big Asset To Iowa;' State Development Group Gives Report. December 21, 1960
Voter Center Of River Boundary; Action May Affect Carter Lake Future. December 21, 1960
'Sold Down The River,' Carter Lake Opinions; Bitterness About Boundary Commission Decision. December 22, 1960
County Support To Carter Lake; Supervisors May Adopt Resolution. December 22, 1960
Says Carter Lake A 'Lay-Off Center' For Bookmakers
Sen. Moore: 'Carter Lake's Location Isn't Main Issue In Boundary Question;' Iowa Committee Member Explains His Vote. December 27, 1960
Carter Lake Residents Free-Loadin' On Iowa? Peculiar Tax Situation, Claims Rep. Free... January 1, 1961
Drivers and School Kids Better Pay Heed--Moms Will 'Git Ya.' January 10, 1961
'Won't Give Carter Lake Away'--Lisle. January 16, 1961
Rep. Lisle Astonished By Pleas To Keep Carter Lake In Iowa; Strong Support To Strong Stand. January 20. 1961
Two Teeners Admit Wave Of Carter Lake Breakins; 'Broke Into Church 45 Times." January 24, 1961
Planning New Bank Office; State Savings Eyes Carter Lake Facility. February 7, 1961
Senate Debate On Carter Lake; Open Hearing Set For Next Wednesday. April 6, 1961
Keep Carter Lake In Iowa, Turner Pleads; Boundary Line Case Opens In Senate. April 11, 1961
Carter Lake Gains Strong Foothold; 28-19 Senate Vote To Keep Town In Iowa. April 12, 1961
House Votes To Keep Carter Lake In Iowa; Stageman Leads Successful Fight. April 18, 1961
Iowa's Welfare Suffers By Saving Carter Lake; Rep. Maule Claims. April 23, 1961
Carter Lake Presbyterians Will Build; Construction To Start In Fall. May 27, 1961
Carter Lake School Is Bulging; Kindergarten Classes In Gym. September 26, 1961
Carter Lake Presbyterian Church Has New Pastor; Installation Is Sunday. November 11, 1961
Holy Trinity To Open Doors Sunday For First Services; The Rev. Clair Giebert Says. February 2, 1962
Bitter Cold Killed Mother, 2 Children At Carter Lake; Death Due To Exposure. March 3, 1962
Carter Lake Students On Full-Time Schedule. December 11, 1962
Carter Lake--Short On Revenue, Long On Kids; $115,000 Bond Issue Comes To Vote Friday. March 7, 1962
Carter Lake Residents Are Firm About Staying Iowans; Rep. Maule Would 'Give' Community To Nebraska. February 17, 1963
Subcommittee To Hear Carter Lake Delegation. March 21, 1963
Carter Lake Residents Frown On New Boundary Line Proposal; Want To Stay In Iowa. April 16, 1963
Installation, Dedication Ceremonies Set For Sunday; Carter Lake Church. June 15, 1963
Carter Lake Remains Only Point In Border Dispute; Boundary Groups Reach No Decision. November 21, 1963
Boundary Group's Proposal Falls Flat At Carter lake; Same Plan As Rejected By Iowa Legislature. January 10, 1964
Should Cede Carter Lake; Hughes Anxious To Settle Dispute. January 30, 1964
Hughes, Morrison Agree On Channel As Boundary Line; Massive Legal Problems Seen, But...January 31, 1964
State Clears Tax Profit From Carter lake; 2,800 People More Than Carry Their Own Weight. February 7, 1964
Carter Lake To Have Jaycees. March 6, 1964
19 Signed For New C.L. Jaycee Club. March 13, 1964
Carter Lake Club Picks '64 Officers. March 16, 1964
Oswald Elected By Lake Jaycees. March 25, 1964
Cession Of Carter Lake Not Solving Problem; What Benefit To Western Iowa? May 21, 1964
Carter Lake Residents 'Sound Off;' Survey Is "The Voice Of The People.' July 16, 1964
Cede Carter lake? Commission 'Yes', Mabrey Cries 'No'. October 13, 1964
Construction Booming In Carter Lake. November 26, 1964
$70,000 School Bond Election To Be April 13; Carter lake Facilities Crowded. March 21, 1965
Carter Lake Bond Issue Is Approved. April 14, 1965
Ask Post Office For Carter Lake. May 25, 1965
C.L. Wants More Than Stamp Store; P.O Department Asks Branch. June 25, 1965
Carter Lake Makes Move To Remain Part Of Iowa; Printed Plea To Legislators. January 6, 1965
No Doubt About Iowa Border In Carter Lake. January 26, 1965
Printing Plant. July 4, 1965
Sheriff Has Hot Words About Carter Lake P.D.; At Better Government Meet. September 2, 1965
Probe Is Under Way In Carter Lake; Investigating Vandalism. November 4, 1965
C.L. Probe Is Started. November 4, 1965
Carter Lake To Get Own Post Office. May 7, 1966
City Now In Step With Post Office. June 2, 1966
Carter Lake Will Build First Children's Park. April 4, 1967
Carter Lake Gets Library; No Longer A Dream. January 19, 1969
Flag, Lights Recent Library Additions; Congressman Visits. March 7, 1969
Carter Lake Council To Discuss Pollution. July 23, 1969
Carter Lake Wants Water Preservation. June 10, 1969
Carter Lake Council Eyes Testing Of 14 Private Septic Tanks. August 27, 1969
Carter Lake Pollution Not From Septic Tanks. January 13, 1970
Assessor Will Open An Office In Carter Lake. January 25, 1970
Carter lake, Treynor Populations Increase. January 10, 1971
'Scare Tactics' Won't Work On Carter Lake Councilman. July 26, 1971
Carter Lake Police: We'll Return If Chief Bruno Fired. October 20, 1971
New Policeman Hired For Carter Lake Force. October 18, 1971
Traffic Ticket Dismissed After Officers Resign. May 25, 1972
Carter Lake Library Moves To New But 'Sagging' Home. October 13, 1973
Carter Lake Swears In New Mayor. January 3, 1974
First Pumper For Carter Lake. January 28, 1974
Carter Lake Fire Department Seeks Funds For Replacement; Fire Damage At $100,000. February 11, 1974
Short Circuit Is Fire Cause At Carter Lake. February 15, 1974
Carter Lake 'Smokettes' Pay For Fire Equipment. April 2, 1974
$2,000 Raised To Replace Fire Equipment. June 17, 1974
Carter Lake Teen Club Buys House. June 23, 1974
Carter Lake Celebrates. August 17, 1975
Carter Lake Has Police Dog; Police Chief, Spike Train. August 24, 1975
Carter Lake Ballroom fire smoldering, cause unknown. December 10, 1975
Waltrip studying police problems. July 16, 1976
4th police chief quits. July 17, 1976
C.L. firement in new home; risen from the ashes. C.L. firemen in new home. July 26, 1976
Afternoon ceremonies for buildings. August 8, 1976
New C.L. library; Permanent home at last. October 3, 1976
Fire department 'like a Phoenix.' October 3, 1976
Carter Lake has potential: mayor. October 3, 1976
Small town by a roaming river. October 3, 1976
Waltrip doesn't expect trouble from Klan rally. November 18, 1976
Klan burns cross in C.L.; promises more in future. November 19, 1976
Mayor feels Carter Lake's future bright. November 30, 1976
Industry is goal for Carter Lake. January 2, 1977
Topless ordinance in C.L. is upheld. January 11, 1977C.L. house is almost like George's. January 16, 1977
Vote additions for C.L. school. March 22, 1977
Carter Lake goal a big new city hall. April 24, 1977
C.L. plans for home repair $$. May 1, 1977
Carter Lake residents plan 'better tomorrow'. May 1, 1977
Carter Lake discusses new city building. September 19, 1977
Flood of calls deluges chief. January 3, 1978
Carter Lake officers return to police force. January 4, 1978
Carter Lake police fuss storms on but no change. January 6, 1978
Lesley says police chief issue closed. January 10, 1978
Carter Lake ready for new, modern City Hall. April 30, 1978
Carter Lake sues former policeman. March 6, 1978
Former officers agrees to return police gear. March 7, 1978
City Council election sought; Would nullify Carter Lake appointment. May 23, 1978
Special election emerges from Carter Lake turmoil. June 6, 1978
Carter Lake To Build Library. June 17, 1975
Former chief at Carter Lake sues. June 19, 1978
Carter Lake files answer to wage suit. June 26, 1978
C.L. policemen allowed to resign. July 1, 1978
Ground broken for C.L. senior citizens center. July 16, 1978
Councilman seeks halt to election. July 18, 1978
C.L. election ruling Thursday. July 25, 1978
Appointee dumped in council election. August 2, 1978
Lesley vows to build golf course. October 17, 1978
Carter Lake sued for fine of $5,000 a day. October 20, 1978
Golf course hopes green up for Carter Lake mayor. October 24, 1978
Carter Lake to test water. October 27, 1978
Patrol girl, boy of year honored at Carter Lake. November 9, 1978
Carter Lake council may drop planning group. November 14, 1978
Carter Lake to get taxi cab. November 13, 1978
Sheriff may protect city. November 14, 1978
Carter Lake questions asked. November 16, 1978
Police chief must live within state. November 22, 1978
New members to planning board at Carter Lake. November 22, 1978
Kids thankful for a lot; God and pets included. November 23, 1978
Council studies sheriff option. November 28, 1978
Carter Lake plan group flap tabled. November 28, 1978
Carter Lake fund-raisers produce $700. December 20, 1978
Churchman is C.L. attorney. January 9, 1979
PAWS not going to Carter Lake. January 16, 1979
Carter Lake junior high to Wilson? February 22, 1979
Cause of fish kill may not be known. March 28, 1979
Courts to rule on C.L. police case. March 30, 1979
Unpaid officer seeks back wages. April 10, 1979
Suit eyed by Carter Lake. April 13, 1979
Groups to help Carter Lake fish problems. April 14, 1979
Carter Lake must pay officer. April 27, 1979
Carter Lake has new chief. May 31, 1979
Summer reading at C.L. Library. June 1, 1979
C.L. police hiring duty may shift. July 11, 1979
Ray to key opening of first C.L. bank. July 13, 1979
Ray: Bank shows C.L. optimism. July 16, 1979
Animal problems 'dog' Carter Lake. July 19, 1979
C.L. library sets film series. July 20, 1979
New library for school; Carter Lake expands. July 22, 1979
'Personality clash for C.L. police.' July 26, 1979
Carter Lake to get library. August 14, 1979
Lesley veto on police hiring stands. August 28, 1979
'Tweety' a blue-breasted teacher. October 21, 1979
Nonpareil reporting
Daily Nonpareil
Council Bluffs Daily Nonpareil Archives
January 1953-October 1979
Newspaper articles
Western Iowa
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newspaper clippings
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