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Today...a covered tank replaces the open pool and the home at left is a private residence. A reservoir keeper is no longer needed. Glen Avenue shows up at right center and the old school building has been removed. Visible now is the site known as…

Today...instead of a "gate house" the City Water Works has a full scale pumping station on the same site, known as Glendale pumping station. Paving, sidewalks, and houses along the avenue have changed the picture greatly in 70 years.

Today...the 2,000,000 gallon capacity reservoir has been capped. The job was completed in the fall of 1942. Much of the heavy shrubbery has disappeared off the hill behind, although this picture was taken in the winter. A caretaker used to live in…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene: At the turn of the century an open city water reservoir at the head of Glen Avenue left, and the pumping station roof can be seen at right. Large building in the background was the old Council Bluffs high School. …

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In 1881, at the head of Glen Ave., and just under the Glendale reservoir, stood the "gate house." The small brick building housed the valve control that took care of water from the reservoir of the City Water Works.

This is the way the Glen Avenue water reservoir appeared in 1887. Although fenced, the open body of water was the scene of several drownings. Note the wooden stairway leading up to the reservoir and the house at right.
[photo print is captioned:…

Aerial photo of Council Bluffs, looking southeast. West Broadway stretches from the center right of the photo at 8th Street) past First Street to East Broadway on the upper left. Landmarks pictured include Bayliss Park, the old Public Library, the…
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