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  • Tags: City of Council Bluffs

"Our city hall's not so hot," says John Q. Citizen. "It was a classy livery stable fifty years ago, but that doesn't make it a classy city hall today. We could have had a new one practically completed by the WPA by this time if certain local…

With the WPA working a twelve-hour shift to complete driving of piles on the city hall project within the next fifteen to twenty days, workmen are preparing forms for the foundation concrete. This picture, taken from the fifth floor of the Park…

Proposed Ward Map...would have 15 precincts, instead of the present 19. The Fifth Ward would be reduced to two precincts, the First Ward to three precincts and the Third Ward to two precincts. Compare this map with the present one, printed below.

Pointing Out...her 'signature" on the anti-manager petition is Mrs. Rex L. White. Her husband's name appears three lines higher on the list

Jack Doty, 3005 Avenue J, city employe, was shaking up City Hall as he worked a jack hammer on the old front steps which have been in disrepair for a couple of years. The City Council budgeted $3,000 for replacement of the steps this year, but final…

Construction work on the new city hall building is progressing rapidly, Superintendent Pete Tellander said Saturday. Pouring of columns for the south section of the second floor was started last week. Work is also under way for setting the column…

Council Bluffs City Councilman Sam Irwin has filed a petition from 26 residents asking the city to install a sidewalk along Madison Avenue from Palmer Avenue to Bennett Avenue. There are currently no sidewalks on either side of Madison Avenue--a…

Concil Bluffs City Councilman Sam Irwin has filed a petition from 26 residents asking the city to install a sidewalk along Madison Avenue from Palmer Avenue to Bennett Avenue. There are currently no sidewalks on either side of Madison Avenue--a…

After delays of many weeks on the new city hall project at Council Bluffs got under way Monday morning with workers making the lot in readiness for the driving of piles. The first work done Monday morning was moving piling to one side in preparation…

Garage mechanics keep city equipment in first class condition. Garage Department and City Hall Maintenance come under Purchasing Agent's supervision.

Mayor Thomas P. Hanafan carried all 23 of the city's precincts in Tuesday's election. Newcomer Jack E. Ruesch, who ousted Councilman David Tobias, carried all but the 15th and 16th Precincts. Ruesch tied with newcomer Patricia Jones in the 23rd…

Identification File contains complete information on 25,000 criminals.

Nerve Center of police system is this switchboard, through which complaints are received and dispatched to cruiser cars.

Crime doesn't pay in Council Bluffs. Breaking and entering dropped of 27% in the last fiscal year.

Collections are made at reguar [sic] intervals, and turned over to treasurer's office.

Damage to meters is Department's biggest headache; amounted to $300 last year.

Park Board Member J. Fred Schlott and Walter J. Metscke, Planning Engineer, discuss improvement plans for city parks.

Last Piling For City Hall...had just been driven when this photo was taken 30years ago. From left in rear are Gordon O'Neill; George Belshaw; unidentified man; Marion O. Hodge; J. Richard Bogue; Richard Barber. Front row: George Hall; Onel Cain;…
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