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Photo of Council Bluffs Savings Bank building at 509 West Broadway, on Broadway looking southeast from across Broadway from the bank.

Emma Louise Spetman and customer...custodian of safety deposit vault.

From West Broadway and Pearl street, this is the view of the proposed new Council Bluffs Savings bank building. The structure and interior finishings will cost approximately $200,000, Architect Henry J. Schneider said. This two-story building will…

Seldom seen by key in the operation of a modern bank are the employes of the bookkeeping, transit and proof departments. here are the employes of the Council Bluffs Savings bank, shown in their new quarters just off the main lobby. Employes in this…

Here are nine of the eleven directors of the Council Bluffs Savings bank, meeting in their quarters in the new bank building. Seated, left to right are H. W. Hazelton, retired; Julius Rosenfeld, president Continental-Keller company; Chairmen E.P.…

Admiring Decorations...on 100th anniversary cake at the Council Bluffs Savings Bank are Laverne Tollinger and John Jurgens.

En Route To Court . . . is Mrs. Marian E. Keller, accompanied by Sheriff Roy O. Wichael.

Smiling With Joy . . . Mrs. Marian Keller, center, leaves the courtroom with her son, Harry, and sister, Mrs. Myrtle Almquist.

Kennedy, Edward M. & Joan

(top) "Out For A Good Time" . . . this crash picture won the sweepstakes award for Jack Kennedy in the Iowa Associated Press Newsphoto contest.
(bottom) Jack Kennedy . . . top award.

Ironic Story . . . is told by this Air Force survival booklet in the death car driven by S. Sgt. James W. Collins.

"Fountain Of Youth" . . . the picture's "vitality" wins Iowa photo award for The Nonpareil and Jack Kennedy.

(top) "This Weather - Not Fit For A Dog" . . . is the picture that won the sweepstakes award for Jack Kennedy in the Iowa Associated Press Newsphoto contest.
(bottom) Jack Kennedy . . . first photographer to win AP sweepstakes twice in row.

Inspecting A Case...of original Baldwin and Dodge banknotes is Ron Searcy. The 1856 notes will be among several historical exhibits displayed in the Council Bluffs Savings Bank lobby this week as part of the bank's 125th anniversary celebration.
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