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One of the fun things Council Bluffs might be doing for the Nation's Bicentennial is painting fire hydrants in the form of cute, Revolutionary-era figures. Story and photo on page 3.

One of the fun things Council Bluffs might be doing for the Nation's Bicentennial is painting fire hydrants in the form of cute, Revolutionary-era figures. Story and photo on page 3

Like so many topless, giant redwood trees, tall steel piles reach skyward at the Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. switching center site at Washington and Oakland avenues, pointing the way to a mid-1971 completion date. The view from between the…

Crime doesn't pay in Council Bluffs. Breaking and entering dropped of 27% in the last fiscal year.

Nerve Center of police system is this switchboard, through which complaints are received and dispatched to cruiser cars.

Identification File contains complete information on 25,000 criminals.

Council Bluffs Police Patrolman Mark Alba and Verro, a track dogs, are pictured during a search for an armed-robbery suspect in a field south of Crescent last month. Verro died of stress and heat exhaustion after his paw became caught in a fence at…

Police Sgt. F.L. Foster . . . examines secretary's desk, which has been ransacked at First Presbyterian church.

Photograph of CB patrolman Scott Milner and "Apoll II" drug-sniffing dog.


Photograph of Council Bluffs police patrolman Greg Becker and dog Dux

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Sifting Through Ashes . . . for remains of shoes are, from left, Detective A.R. Danielsen, Lt. George Jorgensen, Sgt. C.E. (Pat) Moore and Detective F.A. (Mike) Kerns.

Soakingin the American sunshine . . . are Annika Ericcson and Tom Knutsson, natives of Sweden. Knutsson recently visited his girlfriend, a foreign exchange student. --Nonpareil Photo.

Police And Ambulance Officials...remove the body of Lt. C.E. Moore from a home at 3113 Ave., where a bank robbery suspect shot it out with police, a private citizen and FBI officials. Nonpareil Photos by Joe Cavallaro

First National Bank Westside Office...was robbed of an undetermined amount of money by two masked bandits one of whom was still at large in Omaha. The other was wounded and under police guard at Jennie Edmundson Hospital. One policeman was killed,…

Bullet the side of police cruiser resulted from a shootout Wednesday forenoon with a bank robbery suspect. One Council Bluffs patrolman was injured by flying glass when a robber's bullet crashed through his police cruiser car.

The Pony Creek hills northwest of Glenwood take on picture post card qualities after snow falls. This scene, following an earlier snow, features one of the abandoned bridges familiar in the area.

Awaiting Delivery . . . from a railroad flat car is the Iowa Power and Light Company's portable substation.

Mayors A335.jpg
Portrait of Addison Cochran, mayor of Council Bluffs in 1879. Newspaper clipping.

Genealogy C669.tiff
Photograph of an engraving of C. O. Mynster
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