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Council Bluffs Changing Scene
Council Bluffs Changing Scene: The Kinsman Monument in Fairview Cemetery looked like this before the granite shaft was added by "his Comrades, Citizens, and School Children of Council Bluffs" in 1902. The picture age unknown, was made from an old…
Today...the Kinsman Monument has grown in stature and appearance. It presents the same cannon and stone base set against the background of a peaceful, well maintained corner of the cemetery. Surrounding it are the graves of veterans who shared the…
Council Bluffs Changing Scene
Council Bluffs Changing Scene: Some 60 years ago, the bluffs one mile south of the city looked like this. This picture, one of a series of old stereo views, is from a collection owned by Harland Collins of 301 Morningside Ave.
Tags: bluffs
Today...the same bluffs show the progress of changing times. Earth from the bluffs has been taken for construction on bottom lands, and paved Highway 275 has speeded the flow of traffic. No longer are there shade trees hanging over the road, as in…
Tags: bluffs, Highway 275
Problem Solved:
Four-day-old Ricky Lynn Hodtwalker relaxes at Mercy Hospital after handing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hodtwalker, 2735 Avenue E, the chore of choosing a name for their fourteenth child. The nurse is Mrs. Helen Knipping. Other Hodtwalkers in the…
Tags: Earl Hodtwalker, Hodtwalker Family
Hodtwalker, Earl and Family
Hodtwalker, Earl and Family
Tags: Earl Hodtwalker, Hodtwalker Family
Governor's Coffee
Gov. and Mrs. Leo Hoegh entertained the Iowa legislators at coffee in the governor's mansion at Des Moines Wednesday afternoon. The governor and Mrs. Hoegh and their two young children are shown bidding farewell to two of the guests, Rep. and Mrs.…
Tags: Iowa Governor, Leo A. Hoegh
Hoegh's Prepare To Leave
Mrs. Leo A. Hoegh, daughters Kristin, 13 and Janis, 8, and their dog Punch pose on the lawn for a farewell picture in front of the house they are leaving Thursday. Mrs. Hoegh is wife of the former Iowa governor and recently appointed Federal Civil…
Hoegh Looks Forward To Coming Back To Iowa - While Grappling With CDA Operation . . .
Civil Defense Director Leo A. Hoegh . . . at his Washington desk.
To Head New Office
Leo A. Hoegh poses here today after President Eisenhower picked him to head the new Office of Defense and Civilian Mobilization which opens for business July 1. Hoegh now directs the Civil Defense Administration, which is being merged with the Office…
The Hoeghs:
Members of the family of Leo A. Hoegh, former governor of Iowa, pose with him at the White House after he was sworn in as director of the new Office of Defense and Civilian Mobilization. From left are Kristin, 14; Janis, 10; Hoegh; and Mrs. Hoegh. -…
Gets New Post
President Eisenhower has named Federal Civil Defense Administrator Leo A. Hoegh to be head of the new office of Defense and Civilian Mobilization. Hoegh, a former governor of Iowa, has been Civil Defense Administrator for the past year.
Battle-Scarred Hoffman Writes Marine's History - Local Major In Print . . .
Hoffman - Defense Department Photo (Marine Corps)
'Hog Ranch' Story May Be Near Finale - It's Just A Farm Now
Elaborate Log House . . . is one of the more interesting aspects of the legendary 'Hopkins Hog Ranch" now owned by Earl Root.
Historical Recognition Eyed For Bluffs 'Hog Ranch'
Fabled Log House . . . of Council Bluffs' "hog ranch" may be named a state historical monument soon if the present owner Earl Root gets his wish. The structure was used as a gambling house in the early 1900s and was later the site of an abortive…
Gamblers Stepped Over Line And Out Of The County
The Historic Log House . . . south of Council Bluffs between 1907 and 1918 sported a small herd of elk (almost hidden in this photo in clump of trees at left). The house, a left-over from the Trans Mississippi Exposition, has a colorful background.
Hopkins Empire Mired In Mud - Spent Over $15 Million
Towering Walnut Trees . . . shaded the comfortable hideaway of Mr. and Mrs. Berne Hopkins south of Council Bluffs. The three-story log cabin was left over from the Omaha Trans-Mississippi Exposition of 1898 and was moved to the site by Ben Marks,…
Hopkins Empire Mired In Mud - Spent Over $15 Million
Berne Hopkins . . . spent $15 to $18 million (taken in 1924).
Hopkins Empire Mired In Mud - Spent Over $15 Million
Portia A. Hopkins . . . when empire was in bloom. (Taken in 1924).