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Jennie Edmundson Hospital . . . Opens New Wing - Open House Is Slated For This Sunday
Sick Babies In Steel Cribs . . . are tended by Mrs. Wilma King, pediatrics supervisor. Adjustable sides on each of the four cribs in this room permit nurses to care for the infants with the least possible handling.
Jennie Edmundson Hospital . . . Opens New Wing - Open House Is Slated For This Sunday
Opening Into Chart Room . . . are two "critically ill" rooms (background). Working here are Mrs. Wilma King at chart desk and Miss Jessie Wortman, director of nurses.
Jennie Edmundson Hospital . . . Opens New Wing - Open House Is Slated For This Sunday
All The Convenience Of A Boudoir . . . is provided by make-up tray in movable table. Mrs. Clara E. Strobehn, chairman of the hospital board, smiles into mirror while Miss Dorothea Ely shows her the two-bed adult room on second floor.
Jennie Edmundson Hospital . . . Opens New Wing - Open House Is Slated For This Sunday
Just Like At Home . . . coloring fun is easy for Cathy Strong and neat for nurses when the steel tray is hooked to the sides of her crib.
Jennie Edmundson Hospital . . . Opens New Wing - Open House Is Slated For This Sunday
"Air Lock" For Premature Babies . . . provides minimum of handling. Miss Dorothy Nelson, pediatrics nurse, adjusts humidity control on machine.
Jennie Edmundson Hospital . . . Opens New Wing - Open House Is Slated For This Sunday
Heated Cupboard In Pantry . . . makes serving warm food easy for Mrs. Marie Miller, 630 South First Street. Tray and steam carts to the left are both constructed of steel. Coffee burner and toaster supply quick snacks.
Jennie Edmundson Hospital . . . Opens New Wing - Open House Is Slated For This Sunday
Feeling Like A Hotel Guest . . . is an early second floor patient, Mrs. Fern Knight of Malvern. The Rev. Loren Works, hospital chaplain, chats with her. Each room has two-way light unit and oxygen outlet.
Jennie Edmundson Hospital . . . Opens New Wing - Open House Is Slated For This Sunday
Gaily-Patterned Dishes . . . make eating fun for children in pediatrics. Dishes for adults are aqua with an oak leaf trim. Vari-colored tray covers set of new dishes.
Jennie Edmundson Hospital . . . Opens New Wing - Open House Is Slated For This Sunday
Premature Nursery Is Glassed In . . . Glass cubicles house 12 incubators and bassinets in the premature nursery of the new Jennie Edmundson hospital wing. Both "premies" and sick newborn babies will be cared for here. Above each is an individual…
Jennie Edmundson Hospital . . . Opens New Wing - Open House Is Slated For This Sunday
Classroom Has Folding Doors . . . Pediatrics lecture room in new wing at Jennie Edmundson hospital can be opened for demonstrations by pushing back folding curtain. Demonstration table (right front) features steel lamp. 'Blackboard" is really green…
Wagon Takes Tots To Surgery
First Passenger . . . in the new Jennie Edmundson Hospital surgical wagon is Jennifer Porter. The surgical escort is Virginia Flynn. Chatting with Jennifer is Max Smelser who, with Ken Bermel, designed and helped construct the wagon.
This Is Council Bluffs
Roberts Park supplies a neat centerpiece for this aerial view of north-central Council Bluffs. Twenty-sixth Street forms the bottom border. Looking east, the Army Reserve Center is just beyond the park. Woodrow Wilson Junior High School is at…
This Is Council Bluffs
You are gazing at the heart of Council Bluffs in this aerial photo. The camera, pointing slightly northeast, captures dozens of well known landmarks. Bayliss Square, with its X-shaped walks, dominates the lower portion of the picture. Broadway,…
This Is Council Bluffs
Gilbert's Pond, top center, and the dredged pond in Lake View Park stand out like mirrors as they reflect the gray sky on an overcast day. In the foreground is the Illinois Central Railroad tracks. North Western tracks are in the background. The…
This Is Council Bluffs
The Illinois Central draw bridge over the Missouri River is one of the largest of its kind in this country. The Iowa span of the bridge was built in 1893; the Nebraska span later. The Omaha skyline is at the top of this piecture which is looking to…
This Is Council Bluffs
tugboat churns its way upstream on the Missouri Riber pushing its barges. Council Bluffs already has become a frequent port-of-call for water traffic such as this and local businessmen hope to see it increase. This view, taken north of the South…
Tags: Aerial Photos, Missouri River, tugboats
This Is Council Bluffs
From the air, homesites at the junction of Bennett Avenue and Highway 6 provide a study in suburban residential planning. The curve of Highway 6 bends in at upper right. Bennett Avenue runs across the top of the photo. Adrian Street cuts…
This Is Council Bluffs
A popular recreation area, Lake Manawa's facilities are used by residents of Southwest Iowa and eastern Nebraska. In the aerial photo, the village of Manawa is at the right. A housing development, with a canal leading in to the lake, is at the…
Tags: Aerial Photos, Lake Manawa
Jennie Edmundson Traveling High-Tech Track
Michealia Vanscoy, radiation therapy technologist, demonstrates the linear accelerator at Jennie Edmundson Memorial Hospital. The unit, used to treat cancer, beams 6 million volts of energy to a specific area with minimal damage to healthy tissue.