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  • Tags: ISD

Three-Dimensional Tick-Tack-Toe . . . is being played with the aid of microphone and amplifier by Dale Peak, Allen Love, Ross Weaver and Michael Whaley.

Making Transparencies . . . for overhead projectors is discussed by Richard Fetrow, director of the Iowa School for the Deaf media center, and student Robert Sly, a senior from Des Moines. Students from art classes help out at the center, which is in…

The Iowa Board of Regents visited the fourth-year classroom at Iowa School for the Deaf Wednesday during a tour of the ISD campus before an executive session. The regents are also meeting at ISD Thursday and Friday. Pictured, left to right, are Wayne…

Pausing Before Commencement Ceremonies . . . Saturday at the Iowa School for the Deaf are Charles Grandick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Grandick of 700 Military Ave., Dr. Joseph Giangreco, ISD superintendent, Audrey O'Dell of Chariton, and Dr. Robert…

Viewing A Filmstrip . . . in the Life program at Iowa School for the Deaf is Adam Hirsch of Council Bluffs.

Jacob Andreas Fjelde: Learning American sign language was difficult for the Norwegian student who is attending Iowa School for the Deaf. But "Andy" said his new-found friends taught him the language.

Thompson Rogers (center), great-grandson of J. Schuyler Long, was one of many family members who attended ceremonies Saturday to dedicate ISD's high school building in Long's memory. Long was a pioneer in deaf education and was a member of the…
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