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A Rosy Apple...appears on a china plate through a brush held in the hand of Kay Godschalk, china painting instructor. Looking on are Mrs. Albert Cleveland, Mrs. C.C. Pennock and Mrs. Eldon Griffin, members of Brush and Palette China Painting…

Albert L. Cleveland...GOP Fifth ward

New and prominent on the Ames landscape is this 12-story men's dormitory now nearing completion at Iowa State University. The upper floors will accommodate 600 men. Thye first two floors will house offices and meeting rooms. A second unit is to be…

Adele Berry (center), senior from Fort Dodge, was crowned Iowa State University's 1966 "Queen of Queens" Thursday at Ames in ceremonies opening the annual ISU Veishea festival. Miss Berry's attendants are Janet Longston (left), junior from Memphis,…

This is where Iowa State University started in 1868. On paper, the University was 10 years old before a preparatory class of 72 students enrolled in the fall of 1868. Regular classes began in March, 1868. The Main Building housed the entire college,…

The new physics building at Iowa State University will be dedicated with a series of lectures Monday and Tuesday. Official dedication ceremonies for the new $2,456,000 structure will be at 10:30 a.m. Monday in Memorial Union. H. William Koch,…

Over the entrance to this building on The State University of Iowa campus in Iowa City is a stone which is engraved, "He That Maketh the Law Becomes Master of the Intent Thereof." This motto is all that remains to remind one that it was here that…

When the College of Law moved to a new building dedicated in April 1962, it left the building, now called North Hall, ready for a major remodeling job in order to gain badly needed classroom and office space. The most dramatic change occurred here,…

At the height of the $230,000 conversion, the former library area was gutted, resembling an empty warehouse. As this work was going on, the University Personnel Service, Dormitory and Dining Service, and the Superintendent of Planning and…

No shade of Blackstone remained in the former law center when the job was completed this fall. A "fourth" floor has been added where bookshelves had been, and the entire new section contains 33 offices and five seminar rooms. The Department of…

Typical of the offices in the new part of North Hall is this one in the School of Religion. In such surroundings, faculty members counsel their students, meet with colleagues, carry on research and study projects, and keep at hand the books and…

The metamorphosis of a building was concluded with the transformation of a large classroom on the ground floor into four classrooms like this one. Funds for the work in SUI's North Hall were appropriated by the Iowa legislature. The project was…

Iowa Rho chapter of Phi Sigma Alpha in Council Bluffs, installed , from left, Mrs. Beverly Seyler, secretary, Mrs. Harry Molgaard, vice president, and Mrs. Albert Cleveland, president. Other officers are Mesdames Matilda Swanson, treasurer; Charley…

profile photo of Ronald Cleveland, in front of microphone

Reviewing the city budget is Mayor Ronald Cleveland. The mayor said one of his priorities is to improve the image of the City Council.

Ronald Cleveland in front of microphones
back of photo:
Ron Cleveland
Ex-city Councilman

head and shoulders portrait of Ronald Cleveland

Club 64_12_05_1967_001.jpg
Removing Body...of Patrolman John Stephens from Club 64 are Wayne McCunn, Matt Martin and Don Spencer, members of the Pottawattamie County Ambulance Division.

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At Club 64...sheriff's officers check the office where two employes were fatally shot during a robbery. The officers are Radio Dispatcher Donald Dinatalli, Sheriff Roy Wichael and Deputry Sheriff Earl Miller. Patrolman John Stephens' body was found…
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