Unbelievable Beauty . . . is created by the contrast of the ebony black finish of the etagere in the front hall of the Historic General Dodge House and the mother-of-pearl embellishments. Mrs. Michael Terry, guide, said "It is easily moveable on its…
A special issue included in the Sunday, May 24, 2015 issue of the Daily Nonpareil. It covers the Sauganash memorial dedication and documents how Billy Caldwell (Sauganash) led a band of Potawatomi in establishing what would become Council Bluffs.
A special issue included in the Sunday, November 13, 2011 issue of the Daily Nonpareil. It details the flooding that occurred in Council Bluffs and other Southwest Iowa cities located near the Missouri River.
Turning In Collections...from some of their pledges to Mel Fickenscher, superintendent of Bethany Lutheran Home, and Dennis Rutledge, their youth representative, are Tom Kuck, Craig Newberg and Cheryl Lieurance.
Arnolds Park, June 29 - Crowning Miss Iowa - Placing the crown of Miss Iowa on the head of Kay Nielson, 22, of Council Bluffs, is Muriel Fairchild, who recently was crowned Miss Minnesota. The two will compete in the Miss Universe contest at Long…
Still a reader . . . after 75 years, Harry Crowl Sr. reflects on his memories as a library patron. He was 10 years old when the building was dedicated, he said. Schools in Crowl's student days had fewer study materials for students, so many classes…
Photograph of a crowd gathered at a train depot to witness troops from Council Bluffs (Iowa) leave for Des Moines (Iowa) on their way to the Philippines.
Pedestrian Crossings . . . and the sidewalks leading to them at the recently opened intersection of Broadway and Relocated Highway 6 are shown by the heavy black lines in this map prepared by the Police Department. All crossings are controlled by…
A Car Crossing...the railroad on Washboard Road must be within 11 feet of the rail before the driver's line of sight is clear to the curve east of the intersection.
Blasting President Carter...for his lack of leadership and "disastrous" foreign policy, California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr., predicted in Council Bluffs Friday a wide open race for the Democratic nomination. Nonpareil photo by Jim Ebert.
This stray ivy plant has taken root near the top of the clock tower at Broadway Methodist Church, First Street and Broadway. And you can credit the birds, who probably carried a seed or piece of vine to the tower. The plant, on the north side of…