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Bicycle Pedaling...does wonders for the wind John Nelson, insurance agent, finds out when he joins the class on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Nonpareil Photos by Jack Kennedy.

It Was Easy To Put It On...but City manager Don Harmon grimaces as he attempts to work a few inches from his midsection with the aid of Ben Siepker, telephone engineer...[Nonpareil photos by Jack Kennedy]

The Entire Class...does 10 laps around the gym after a noon-hour exercise session. The Rev. Ralph Faisst, of St. John United Church of Christ, leas the way, followed by Morris Hester, the fitness director for the Y....[Nonpareil photos by Jack…

Pushups Has Its Ups And Downs...but Delman Campbell, insurance agent, one of 22 men enrolled in the YMCA physical fitness course, rinds the exercise easier with each session he attends. .[Nonpareil photos by Jack Kennedy]

No, the young man playing the violin in Bayliss Park was not caught by the fancy of April Fool's Day. Ten-year-old Walter Herndon Jr.'s park practice session was on the last day of March--Thursday afternoon--when something in the air invited you to…

Fighting Losing Battle...with a snow shovel are Linda McKay and Barbara Stroud, who live at 830 E. Pierce St.

Man with mustache, wearing glasses, talking to police office (back of head).

woman in stocking cap sitting at desk, listening to man leaning over desk

1996 Yearbook (Annual) of Lewis Central High School

Aerial painting of Council Bluffs by George Simons.

Painting of Council Bluffs by George Simons.

Painting of Council Bluffs by George Simons.

Painting of a boat crossing Missouri River.

1995 Yearbook (Annual) of Lewis Central High School

Equestrian portrait of General Dodge, painted by Charles A. Whipple, depicts him as Grand Marshal of the day on the occasion of the dedication of the tomb of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant in New York April 27, 1897. The painting, 7 feet 2 inches in width by…

Painting of a view of Council Bluffs and Dodge House from Fairmount Park by Henry Howard Bagg
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