Arrowhead Park


Arrowhead Park


Local news


Arrowhead Park
Begin Action On Recreation Site August 8, 1961
County Closer To Having First Recreation Area October 13, 1961
State Okays Neola Park Plans, Site March 11, 1962
Arrowhead Roadway Contract Let By County Conservation Leaders September 28, 1962
Arrowhead Road Is Built Below Contractor's Bid December 14, 1962
Park Superintendent's Family Will Try Arrowhead Camping January 24, 1963
Contracts Let For Arrowhead Parking Lots, Road at Neola March 15, 1963
Tama Indian Dancers Set For Arrowhead Dedication July 25, 1963
Let Contract For Arrowhead October 25, 1963
No Swimming, Motor Boats Will Be Allowed On Arrowhead Lake March 13, 1964
Arrowhead Shelter Okay June 15, 1966
Arrowhead At Maximum Potential March 15, 1967
Conservation Board Raises Trees For Reforesting Parks September 1, 1967
17,749 Cars In Arrowhead During 80-Day Time Span July 12, 1968
Park Lake Is Stocked, Elk Arrive October 21, 1968
Arrowhead Addition Approved By State April 9, 1969
Arrowhead Park Enlargement $$ Has MAPA Nod April 27, 1969
Arrowhead Grant OK'd June 25, 1969
Add 40-Acre Tract To Arrowhead Park August 13, 1969
Arrowhead Expansion Would Include Camp Areas; Ponder Fees September 10, 1969
Flooding, Gas Shortage Cited For Park Fund Drop February 6, 1980
Preservation Program For Arrowhead Lake November 2, 1983
Arrowhead Offers Much Cleaner Water October 25, 1987
Youths To Build Park Shelter May 5, 1988


Nonpareil reporting


Daily Nonpareil


Council Bluffs Daily Nonpareil Archives






Newspaper articles


Arrowhead Park


Western Iowa


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Newspaper clippings

Original Format
