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Maynard Telpner presents the 12th annual Americanism Award of Irving Cohen Lodge 688, B'nai B'rith, Tuesday night to David Kaplan of Omaha, chairman of the board of directors of Blue Star Foods, Inc. here. Telpner was co-chairman of the event held at…

Catholic Honor . . . is presented by Francis Cardinal Spellman in New York City to Mr. and Mrs. David Kaplan. Watching the informal presentation are John and William Kaplan.

August , 1959 Marked The Beginning...of the elaborate interstate system which, some 10 y ears later, nearly circled the Bluffs. An aerial view spans the first section of I-80 to be graded in Pottawattamie County near Honey Creek.

Council Bluffs Police Department Photos
CBPD Police Photos

One Of Many...recent accomplishments in Council Bluffs, the Narrows Pumping Station, lower right, overlooks one of the top potential areas for future development. Among projects being studied is a municipal dock along the near shore of the Missouri…

This is the old Wickham Brick Yard at the end of North Eighth Street paving as it appeared in 1904. The brick yard was at one time one of the city's leading industries, turning out millions of bricks for homes and streets. The bricks were stacked in…

Council Bluffs Police Patrolman Mark Alba and Verro, a track dogs, are pictured during a search for an armed-robbery suspect in a field south of Crescent last month. Verro died of stress and heat exhaustion after his paw became caught in a fence at…

Council Bluffs Police Patrolman Scott Milner started work Wednesday with this dog, "Apoll II," the newest addition to the Council Bluffs Canine Corps. The German Shepherd is trained to detect illegal drugs. "Apoll II" is the police department's…

As chaplain for the Council Bluffs Police Department, the Rev. Ian Hoover provides a listening ear for officers and their families, and also aids in crisis situations. Nonpareil photo by Stever Glowacki.
{On reverse of photo: "the Rev. Ian…

Police officer sitting on picnic table, with his police dog. On reverse of photo:
Council Bluffs Police Dept.
Police Patrolman
Greg Becker
and Dux"
Stamped date: ENTERED JUL 8 1992

Police office [sic] Jan Rocher: "At first, people were surprised; they'd do a double-take, but not it's a common thing and no one thinks anything of it."

Officer Carolyn Cates: "I used to get a lot more (stares). I don't know if they thought it was a guy needing a haircut or what."

Bicycle Riders...gather at Community hall to join their new club.

Police cruiser with front end smashed following accident. Written in margin of photo: 33rd & W. Bdwy 3-2-85
N.P. by M.M.
[Article about accident in Daily Nonpareil, "Injured man listed in satisfactory condition," March 4, 1984, p.8. Article does…

Photo of Chevette with right front end smashed; night scene. Written on margin of photo: "Accident 33 & W. Bdwy 3-2-85
N.P. by M.
[Article about accident appears in the Nonpareil, "Injured man listed in satisfactory condition," March 4, 1985, p.…

Gov. Branstad, left, and Council Bluffs Mayor Charles Smith unveil the new sign for Kanesville Boulevard during the governor's visit to Council Bluffs Friday.
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