Browse Items (7991 total)

Flood's Over, Huh?: The recent flood in Mills and Fremont counties may be gone but the water lingers on in many sections of the river bottom. Taken this week, this picture of the Newell Lorimor farm home east of Bartlett reveals why the 'moving back'…

Flood-Soaked Soybeans . . . stored in this metal bin on the Claude Robertson farm have literally blown the bin apart. Several other metal bins, including a quonset building holding several thousand bushels of shelled corn, have started to bulge and…

Orphans Of Flood: Left behind at the Marion Osborn farm in the haste of flood threatened departure were: the family cat, taking it easy on the roof at the left; the guinea flock, one of which pokes its head above the ridge at the upper left; and some…

A Flood Orphan . . . this Hereford calf peers through the windshield opening in the jeep of its rescuer, Merle Sargent, Pacific Junction farmer. Sargent found the day-old youngster as he patrolled the flood-threatened river levee.

On The Fence Line: Angry overflow waters from the Platte River swirl around fence posts 3 miles east of North Bend, Neb.

Flood waters surround grain bins on a farm, April 1960

North side of Broadway, looking east from 11th Street

Broadway, between the North Western and Illinois Central railroad tracks

Tank farm south of Council Bluffs, flooded by Mosquito Creek

Railroad switch engine pulling off stuck truck on west side of North Western RR city depot, about 4 p.m.

Looking East on Broadway from Eleventh Street, Council Bluffs, IA

The Poudre in flood, looking west from the Oak Street Bridge, May 21, 1904

Mosquito Creek in foreground, showing levee break into gasoline tanks farm.

Proposed Missouri River development plan, 1971

View of the Missouri River west of Council Bluffs during the flood of 1881
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