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  • Tags: City of Council Bluffs

Construction work on the new city hall building is progressing rapidly, Superintendent Pete Tellander said Saturday. Pouring of columns for the south section of the second floor was started last week. Work is also under way for setting the column…

The above view of the city hall construction work shows workmen completing the laying of brick or the first story at the north wing of the building. The roof for this wing was poured early this week.

Installation of jail equipment in the south wing of the new city hall building was begun for the Southern Prison Company. Work was started in the felon cage, which consists of six cells. R.P. Tellander (left, city hall construction superintendent,…

City Clerk Kennard W. Gardiner...puts his finger in a crack in city hall's roof trim.

Jack Doty, 3005 Avenue J, city employe, was shaking up City Hall as he worked a jack hammer on the old front steps which have been in disrepair for a couple of years. The City Council budgeted $3,000 for replacement of the steps this year, but final…

Last Piling For City Hall...had just been driven when this photo was taken 30years ago. From left in rear are Gordon O'Neill; George Belshaw; unidentified man; Marion O. Hodge; J. Richard Bogue; Richard Barber. Front row: George Hall; Onel Cain;…

City Hall saw a little activity Friday morning as a crane owned by Paulson Construction Company of Council Bluffs lifted an air conditioning unit into place atop the "penthouse."

Cutting The the grand opening of the new elevator at City Hall Tuesday morning is Mayor Josephy B. Katelman who had asked for the elevator 32 years ago. On hand at the ceremony are Quentin Renshaw, Floyd "Dutch" Kroger, and Mrs. Evelyn…

[on back of photo:
"First Meeting under city manager system. April 3, 1950"

Proposed Ward Map...would have 15 precincts, instead of the present 19. The Fifth Ward would be reduced to two precincts, the First Ward to three precincts and the Third Ward to two precincts. Compare this map with the present one, printed below.

One Line of Authority...pinpoints responsibility under the Council-Manager form of government. Voters elect a Council. The Council hires a manager. The manager runs the city.

Divided Control...reaches a peak under Mayor-Council government. Each ward picks its representative. The representative joins his counterparts in a nine-way control of the city.

Pointing Out...her 'signature" on the anti-manager petition is Mrs. Rex L. White. Her husband's name appears three lines higher on the list

Mayor Thomas P. Hanafan carried all 23 of the city's precincts in Tuesday's election. Newcomer Jack E. Ruesch, who ousted Councilman David Tobias, carried all but the 15th and 16th Precincts. Ruesch tied with newcomer Patricia Jones in the 23rd…

City Council
Council Bluffs Elections #1
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