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Breaking Ground . . . for the new First Presbyterian building is Miss Margaret Nicoll, second from right, a member of the church for over 60 years. Church group representatives are: Harry Crowl, Joe W. Smith, Miss Betty Kulisek, Mrs. Clinton Gross…

Looking Over Plans . . . for First Presbyterian Church addition are the Rev. Howard B. Dooley, Joe W. Smith, Robert R. O'Brien and Norman E. Nygaard.

Police Sgt. F.L. Foster . . . examines secretary's desk, which has been ransacked at First Presbyterian church.

In August of 1856 a steamboat which came up the Missouri river carried Rev. John Hancock, who became the first pastor of the First Presbyterian church; Thomas Officer, one of the church's first elders; James B. Rue and Cinncinnatus W. Boyers.

President Bush standing, smiling, pointing finger off-camera; seated audience at the back of the photo..

Vice President George Bush gestures while reading from a report during a by-invitation-only session with area Republicans Friday. Nonpareil photo by Steve Glowacki.

Members of the crowd at Abraham Lincoln High School often stood to applaud and wave flags during Vice President Bush's speech.

Vie President George Bush talks with Abraham Lincoln juniors, from left, Rene Rocheleau, Kari McClure, Stacie Hawkes and Chriss Krabbe at the school Friday. Nonpareil photo by Steve Glowacki.

head-shot of George Bush as he is speaking

Scattered At fatal train wreck near Pacific Junction, empty coal cars of parked train lie jumbled with those of northbound train that hit it. Five units of the 100-car parked train and 12 of the 110-car northbound train derailed in the…

Tying up traffic on Burlington Northern's northbound line, derailed cars block main track into Pacific Junction depot. A railroad spokesman said north-south traffic was being routed onto another line but said damaged track should be back in service…

Crews Work...into the second day Thursday to clear the main line of the Burlington Northern derailment just North West of Malvern. Of the 23 freight cars derailed, three hopper cars still blocked the cut Thursday forenoon. Division Supt. D.S.…

The Burlington Railroad Depot...has been purchased by Blue Star Foods Inc. whose main plant and offices are located across the street from the 79-year-old building. The depot has been used as a freight office since the advent of the Amtrak system and…

Paul Pace, 42, 2904 Renner Drive, Twin City Plaza, was admitted to Mercy Hospital early Wednesday afternoon after his station wagon and Burlington switch engine collided near Highway 192 and Thirty-second Avenue. The engine only passes the…

Tracks...were bent into half circle by the big engines as they plowed up several hundred yards of rails and ties.

Demolished Diesel Unit...lies on its side along Burlington Railroad at wreck scene. Nonpareil photo by Don Patton.

Weather beaten sign northwest of County Road G crossing tells motorists a railroad is 300 feet ahead and advises to "take no chances." This and and the usual x-shape railroad crosses are the only warning signs at the intersection. In background are…

Lead diesel unit of Burlington Railroad's Nebraska Zephyr came to rest in plowed field after hitting a loaded rock truck at a County Road G crossing southeast of Council Bluffs Saturday afternoon. The engine jackknifed into the field and was headed…
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