Convention discussed by the Most Rev. George J. Biskup of Dubuque, Miss Elizabeth Costello, district deputy, and Miss Jo Ann Wilson, district gran regent, both of Council Bluffs. Auxiliary Bishop Biskup is the state chaplain of the…
Getting A Good View...of the Missouri River is Mrs. Dorothy Buckingham of Carson, newly-appointed vice president of the Riverfront Development Foundation, who will work with Pottawattamie, Mills and Harrison counties on Bicentennial projects.
One of the fun things Council Bluffs might be doing for the Nation's Bicentennial is painting fire hydrants in the form of cute, Revolutionary-era figures. Story and photo on page 3.
One of the fun things Council Bluffs might be doing for the Nation's Bicentennial is painting fire hydrants in the form of cute, Revolutionary-era figures. Story and photo on page 3
Servicing equipment on the Milwaukee Road's "America's Bicentennial" engine was one of Willard Johnson's jobs Friday. The locomotive stopped for service in Council Bluffs en route to another point on the Milwaukee system.
A Bicentennial quilt is unfolded by its maker, Mrs. Helen Worley of Omaha, and her grandson, James Worley. The colorful creation was presented to John Nolan of the Washington, D.C. office of the American Revolution Bicentennial Administration…