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A letter written to Amelia Bloomer from Mrs. A.D. Davidson, Monticello, Iowa. Mrs. Davidson expresses the opinion that there should be a state convention, and names several men who might be considered to speak on behalf of women's suffrage.

A letter written to Amelia Bloomer from Annie Savery, Des Moines. The writer notes Mrs. Bloomer's illness, then asks that she deliver her "Woman Suffrage" lecture before the Iowa Legislature.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Ewing and Sara F. Summers, West Liberty, Iowa. The Summers' offer their willingness to help canvas Iowa on behalf of women's suffrage, and to add their names to any call for a state suffrage convention.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Annie Savery, Des Moines, Iowa. Writer regrets that Mrs. Bloomer is unable to travel to Des Moines to address the legislature. Mrs. Savery notes that she was invited to respond to a toast at a Knights Templars…

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Mrs. M. Brown Haven, Des Moines, Iowa. Author writes that she moved to Iowa 5 months ago, thinks there is no state association and opines that one should be started.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Annie Savery, Des Moines, Iowa. After returning from a visit to the Bloomers, writer found a cloak of Mrs. Bloomer in her luggage that Mr. Savery had mistakenly packed.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Mrs. A. Frazier, Leon, Iowa. Mrs. Frazier asks Mrs. Bloomer if she would write something to be read at a meeting of their new women's club.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Annie Savery, Des Moines, Iowa.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from J.S. Loomis, Independence, Iowa. Writes to tell Mrs. Bloomer that Joseph A. Dugdale of Mt. Pleasant has contacted him re: a state suffrage convention in Mount Pleasant. Writer suggests that any suffrage convention…

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from A.P. Lowery, Marshalltown, Iowa. Invitation to Mrs. Bloomer to attend the ball for women's rights in Marshalltown.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Lucy Stone, New York, New York. She discusses the issues with/between the two national suffrage associations, and specifically referencing Mr. (Theodore) Tilton and Mrs. (Elizabeth Cady) Stanton.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Annie Savery, Des Moines, Iowa. Letter references a criticism of the [Des Moines?] Register re: paid lectures. Also mention of Savery's efforts in Muscatine.

A letter from the Fort Madison Library Association certifying that on March 15, 1873, Amelia Bloomer was elected an honorary member of the Association.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Lucius Webb, East Granville, Vermont. Webb was Bloomer's cousin, son of her mother's brother. Letter describes where he lives, and gives information about family.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from her cousin, Lucius Webb, of East Granville, Vermont. Letter is in response to Bloomer's letter (responding to his letter of May 6), and provides details about mutual family members.

Telegram to Amelia Bloomer from J.A. Callen, Oregon, Missouri. Asks if Bloomer can speak there on the fourth and, if so, to state terms.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from L.E. Mosher, correspondent for the New York Daily Graphic, requesting that she furnish a sketch of her life and a portrait, for the publication's columns.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Annie Savery, Des Moines, Iowa. Savery writes of the fire in their home, and that little suffrage work seems to be happening in Des Moines/Polk County. She notes that Susan B. Anthony is pressing Savery to attend…

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Lizzie B. Hertbert, Des Moines, Iowa. Herbert informs Bloomer that she (Bloomer) has been elected as a member of the Cooperative Committee of the State Society, and begging her to accept. Herbert details some of the…

AL letter to Amelia Bloomer from J.H. Kellom, Omaha, Nebraska, responding to her declining the invitation to speak because of physical strength. He writes that if he isn't able physically to prepare a lecture, perhaps she could repeat a lecture or…
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