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A letter to Amelia Bloomer from her cousin, Lucius Webb, of East Granville, Vermont. Letter is in response to Bloomer's letter (responding to his letter of May 6), and provides details about mutual family members.

Telegram to Amelia Bloomer from J.A. Callen, Oregon, Missouri. Asks if Bloomer can speak there on the fourth and, if so, to state terms.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from L.E. Mosher, correspondent for the New York Daily Graphic, requesting that she furnish a sketch of her life and a portrait, for the publication's columns.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Annie Savery, Des Moines, Iowa. Savery writes of the fire in their home, and that little suffrage work seems to be happening in Des Moines/Polk County. She notes that Susan B. Anthony is pressing Savery to attend…

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Lizzie B. Hertbert, Des Moines, Iowa. Herbert informs Bloomer that she (Bloomer) has been elected as a member of the Cooperative Committee of the State Society, and begging her to accept. Herbert details some of the…

AL letter to Amelia Bloomer from J.H. Kellom, Omaha, Nebraska, responding to her declining the invitation to speak because of physical strength. He writes that if he isn't able physically to prepare a lecture, perhaps she could repeat a lecture or…

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from J.H. Kellom, Omaha, Nebraska. Kellom acknowledges Bloomer's declination to give a lecture, and thanks her for a recommendation for who might speak instead.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Anne Elizabeth McDowell, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, re: Bloomer's question about the date McDowell's "The Woman's Advocate" was announced. McDowell states that it no man had part in the newspaper, but that the…

A letter from G.H. Sherman, New York, requesting an autograph.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Samuel Aughey, Omaha Nebraska. Aughey, Secretary of the Nebraska State Historical Society, requests that Bloomer write out, for their annals, an account of her address to the Nebraska Legislature re: woman suffrage.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Samuel Aughey, Omaha Nebraska. Aughey, Secretary of the Nebraska Historical Society, thanks Bloomer for her history of the effort to establish woman's suffrage in Nebraska, and that her narrative will be filed with…

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from C.S. Carter, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Carter notes that Bloomer's letter to Mrs. [Elizabeth Cady?] Stanton has been forwarded, and that she is arranging Stanton's route to the West. She would go to Council Bluffs if she…

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from C.F. Williams, former chaplain at the Iowa Penitentiary in Fort Madison, writing of his belief that former inmate Louis Weirich's conversion from alcohol was sincere.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from J.W. Clapp of Memphis, Tennessee, writing of travels and experiences in Colorado.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from J.W. Clapp of Memphis, Tennessee. Writes of visit to St. Louis and family reunion.

A post card to Amelia Bloomer from J. Ellen Tash, written from Boston Massachusetts. Responding to Bloomer's letter, re: professional women in Iowa. [no year on post card; postmark date not clear after "188"

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from S.H. Bloomer, Chicago, Illinois. Writer is gathering material for a family tree and requests information about Dexter Bloomer's ancestors.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Spencer H. Bloomer, Chicago, Illinois. Reponse to information about Dexter Bloomer's lineage she provided, and giving more details about the Bloomer family line.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Werner Ranklin, Burlington, Iowa. Writes to congratulate Bloomer on her response in the [Des Moines] Register to [Iowa Senator] Gaylord's speech in the legislator giving 21 reasons why suffrage should not be passed.

A letter to Amelia Bloomer from Mr. & Mrs. G.G. Rice, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Congratulates Bloomer on 40th wedding anniversary and 25th anniversary of settlement in Council Bluffs, and recognizes her part in the progress made.
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