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Covered parking lot . . .shows the high water level at the DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge. The parking lot is near the south launching dock area of the refuge. --Nonpareil Photo.

Visitor center entrance of De Soto National Wildlife Refuge

Visitor center entrance of De Soto National Wildlife Refuge

The new visitor's center at the DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge is taking shape, with about 80 percent of the major concrete work now completed. Jack Wilson, construction manager, said work has started on the roof and interior, and there should be no…

Guests examine . . . the entrance to the new visitor center that was opened Saturday at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge. The center houses artifacts from the steamboat Bertrand that sank in the Missouri River in 1865 and recovered in 1969. Gov.…

Boston-area businessman Michael Angel, formerly of Underwood, gestures while speaking at a Pottawattamie County Board of Supervisors public hearing Monday. -Nonpareil photo by Steve Glowacki.

Michael Angel : "I'm not in this to make money. My local roots are important to me." -Nonpareil Photo.

Professional photograph of Michael Angel

Poundmaster George Synacek . . . comforts a worried ward of the city kennel near the municipal sanitary landfill. Synacek's problems have grown in direct proportion to the growth of the city. --Nonpareil Photo.

Into a kennel . . . goes the stray black lab, to wait for adoption or to be reclaimed by its owner. PAWS keeps every animal for adoption or reclamation for at least seven days -- longer, if possible. Animals picked up in cruelty investigations get…

Friends for life . . . after a two-hour rescue ordeal are Mike Koger, Pottawattamie Animal Welfare Society and Boscoe, a stray Doberman pinscher. Koger and Council Bluffs firefighters had to rescue Boscoe Wednesday night after he jumped over a…

More and more . . . unwanted animals - dogs, cats, birds --are facing destruction in Council Bluffs as owners either "dump" them of fall to claim them at the Animal Shelter. Animals are killed by injection or by being put into an airless chamber.…

Presenting new gloves . . . to Pottawattamie Animal Welfare Society Director Nancy Burton and Fritz Flammang, president of the PAWS board of directors, is Virgil Eades, general manager of Great Plains Beef Co. The gloves made of steel mesh, will…

Animals such as this dog, found injured on a Council Bluffs street, have many friends in the staff at the Pottawattamie Animal Welfare Shelter (PAWS) 2821 South 15th Street. Humane Officer Dennis Tellander leads the dog from his PAWS van to needed…

A friendly sniff . . . is given Mayor Dorothy Strohbehn, by "Angus," a bull mastiff owned by Mrs. Doris McIntyre. Stephen Nelson, president of the Pottawattamie County Animal Rescue League, looks on. --Nonpareil Photo.

Accepting a friendly nibble . . . is Humane Officer Jerry Archibald from one of two black bears on a farm near Crescent. The officer and several county and state officials checked the condition of the bears Thursday afternoon. --Nonpareil Photo,

Putting stray pup . . . into a cage is Poundmaster George Synacek. Newsmen found the building had been scrubbed and disinfected when they made an unannounced inspection. --Nonpareil Photo.
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