Browse Items (7739 total)

This "ocean of glass" at 1132 East Pierce street represents fifty-four of the fifty-six greenhouses operated by J.F. Wilcox and sons. The business was established in 1867.

The two-story modern office building and a portion of the Henry Meyer Greenhouse, 3142 West Broadway, are shown above.

Mayor Kenneth Jensen . . . and Realtors Ernie Jensen and John Pogge stand in front of one of the sections of Greenbriar Apartments on Bennett Avenue. Another 92 units will be opened at the complex March 14.

Greenbriar Apartments' . . . second phase of construction is shown in this drawing by Roger L. Schutte & Associates, Omaha architects. The four large buildings will make up the 92-unit complex just south of the 48-unit complex now completed at Bennet…

Today...some 47 years later the same building, with revamped exterior, is the temporary Council Bluffs Post Office. Indian Creek, at right, is covered and used for parking. The old photo was taken by R.C. Meneray, 120 Stutsman St., and is now among…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--On De. 15, 1908, it was Omaha Day at the National Horticultural Congress being held at the Council Bluffs Auditorium. Note the autos of those day, the wooden bridge across Indian Creek, at right, and fancy trim on the…

Today...on the site of the old carriage factory stand the Broadway Cleaning plant. This modern building was built in 1925 to house the cleaning establishment.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Another carriage factory is shown at 129 West Broadway back in 1886. This plant was the first carriage factory of E.T. Waterman, who later moved to N. Main St. The picture comes from Mrs. Edna Holst, 202 Stutsman St.,…

Today...instead of a "gate house" the City Water Works has a full scale pumping station on the same site, known as Glendale pumping station. Paving, sidewalks, and houses along the avenue have changed the picture greatly in 70 years.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In 1881, at the head of Glen Ave., and just under the Glendale reservoir, stood the "gate house." The small brick building housed the valve control that took care of water from the reservoir of the City Water Works.

Today...70 years later the same building is being used by the Chieftain Van and Storage Company, A rather complete face lifting has changed the building's appearance, with the exception of the iron supports that divide the front in thirds. The old…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--In 1884 when carriage factories were common business in Council Bluffs, E.T. Waterman operated this one at 45 N. Main St. here Waterman, with his crew, and two of his fancy models are pictured in front of the factory.

Today...the State Savings Bank occupies the Shoe House site and that of several other stores that were removed from the old Everett Block in 1946. The bank building was opened in 1947. The Wickham Building is at upper right.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--Back in 1898, this building at No. 6 Pearl St. was occupied by the Morris Railroad Shoe House. The operator, William C. Morris, is in the doorway. Note the window reflection of the old Council Bluffs Savings Bank,…

Today...the F.W. Woolworth Co. occupies the ground floors of the building and the structure to the west. There has been little change in the exterior appearance of the upper two stories of the structure.

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--This is Bechtele's European Hotel as it stood at 336-338 W. Broadway, around 1885. A hand card on the hotel reads "Streetcars pass the door to and from all trains." Broadway was a dirt road. This old picture belongs…

Today...the site of the old No. 4 fire barn, and four other buildings, is that of the Safeway Store. The 1888 picture, property of former Fire Chief J.N. Cochran, was turned up in the attic of Central Fire Station and now hangs among other old time…

Council Bluffs Changing Scene--"Big Mary," as the old time horse drawn ladder wagon of the Council Bluffs Fire Department was known among firemen, posed in front of the old Number 4 fire station at First St. and Broadway in 1888.

Today...the building at 529 South Main St. is somewhat the same, but the business is different. Now it is occupied temporarily by the Goodwill Industries. The front has been changed several times in the 70 years.
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