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  • Tags: Gen. Grenville M. Dodge House

The Gen. Grenville M. Dodge Mansion Is Only The Highlight . . . of the many monuments and historical sites revealing the history of the railroad's western push, and the building of the city of Council Bluffs. A journey around the city and through the…

One view of the library . . . where on of the nation's greatest railroad builders kept hundreds of books on history, government, railroading and war.

Portions of the twin parlors . . . in the Dodge home. Much of the furniture and pictures are just as they were in the general's lifetime. Antique beauty is apparent in every section of the spacious home.

The general's desk, right . . . is shown in the room he used as an upstairs study. It adjoins his bedroom. The glass doorways lead to a sleeping porch on the south side of the home.

Ready For A Stroll . . . with dolls of another era, and the lavish wicker buggy with taffeta sunshade, are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peters and their children, Denise, 7, Brian, 9, and Stephanie, 5. Special guests at the tea will be Mr. and Mrs. Donald K.…

In Newly Restored Room . . . at the General Dodge House are Mrs. John Whittaker, chairman of the Dodge House Board of Trustees, and J. Frederic Schlott, chairman of the City Park Board.

The Lavish Beauty . . . of a past era dresses the table for the membership tea at the Historic General Dodge House. Mrs. Marvin King is publicity chairman. Mrs. Robert Collins and Mrs. Noran Davis, sustaining members, will pour.

Old Carriage House . . . at residence of the late Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, looked like this in 1910. The picture was taken from Fairview Avenue.

A Surrey . . . "without the fringe on top" was delivered Wednesday to the Historic General Dodge House. Volunteer workers at the house examining the carriage of an earlier vintage are Miss Melodee Hielen and Bob Winebarger.

A Victorian Mansion . . . will again provide the background for an old-fashioned lawn party today when the Park Board and the board of trustees of the Historic Gen. Dodge House serve ice cream, cake, and pink lemonade. The four young ladies, in…

The wrecker's hammer dealt the first blow to the "spite" house opposite the Historic Gen. Dodge Home at Story and Third streets Tuesday morning. The large old home will be removed to make a small park. Legend has it that the frame Squire house was…

Color photograph of Historic Gen. Grenville M. Dodge House

Fresh Finish . . . is applied by painter Dick Jones to the interior woodwork in the front entrance hall of the Dodge House. The old finish was completely removed and repairs were made to the fancy moulded walnut woodwork before new finish was…

Photo of a gentleman working on the restoration of the Historic Gen. Grenville Dodge House.

Pointing out . . . ornate detailing on a clock in the Dodge Library, Mosher notes Victorian penchant for decoration. "They applied decoration to almost anything," she said. "They loved ornament." Library is among the most authentic rooms in house,…

The Dodge family silver tea service is viewed Monday at Council Bluffs Savings Bank by Penny Chatfield, Dodge House director, Ed Spetman, bank president and chairman of the Dodge House Board of Trustees and Richard Graeme, board treasurer-secretary.…

Attracting Children . . . to the nursery at the Dodge House is this tree trimmed with dolls, gingerbread men and other toys. It was decorated by Beth Pechacek and her family and is called We Wish You A Merry Christmas.

Details Of Ornaments . . . show they are, indeed, wheat and rye straw fashioned into various shapes with patience and little red bows.

The Goat . . . is a traditional symbol of Christmas in Scandinavia, perhaps because of its Santa-like whiskers.

Helmet Design . . . butter dish reflects the warlike attire probably used in World War I.
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