Welcoming Abord...Chamber President C.W. (Bill) Emarine and Mayor Noran Davis is Transit President James R. Kiger. They were among the first persons to ride the new bus.
Signing Agreement...between two bus firms are James R. Kiger, president of Transit Co., seated, and James P. Lee, head of the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway Co.
photo of City Transit Lines bus, at corner of Vine and N. Main. Man standing outside door of bus, pointing forward; driver in bus preparing to pull out onto street.
An aerial view of the Iowa Power and Light Co. plant south of Council Bluffs shows how a current 13-million-dollar construction project is progressing. the right half of the main building, including the second smokestack, is new. Steelwork visible in…
Growing On Schedule . . . is this 90,000-kilowatt addition to the Iowa Power and Light Co. plant near Manawa. It is to be completed next December. At left is the generating plant, and at right the steel framework for new boilers.
Railroad service for visitors at the new Iowa Power & Light Co.'s Council Bluffs Power Station was provided by this Burlington VistaDome car and Ipalco's own diesel locomotive. Here the train is backing into the plant, with boiler sections rising in…
Ipalco Executives . . . check the luncheon menu before the preview tour of the new power plant. They are Vern Beats, district manager, and President N. Bernard Gussett, seated; E.T. Meredith, E.H. Mulock, John Shuler, and J.T. Schilling.
Council Bluffs On Own Power . . . as switches are thrown by District Manager Vern Beats, above, and Distribution Supt. Claude Dilley at the Iowa Power & Light Co. sub-station on North Fifteenth St. Friday night.
Power Source . . . is this combination turbine-generator located near the top of the building. The turbine, left, turns a shaft which protrudes into the generator at right. Both units were not entirely assembled when this picture was taken. Total…
Switching Structure . . . as viewed from inside the control station. Power can be sent to 56 Soutwest Iowa towns by throwing small wall switches. Don Snyder of 3539 Fourth Ave., a dispatcher, is at left.
This Giant Pulverizer . . . will reduce coal to a fine dust capable of producing a 2,000-degree heat necessary to make steam in the plant's boiler. Coal comes down pipes at top from hopper on roof. There are four such crushers, but only two or…
Water Intake Station . . . on the bank of the Missouri River will pump 34,000 gallons of water per minute to the plant interior where it will be used to condense live steam. The station, as well as the plant, sits "high and dry" on built-up river…
Divided Control...reaches a peak under Mayor-Council government. Each ward picks its representative. The representative joins his counterparts in a nine-way control of the city.
One Line of Authority...pinpoints responsibility under the Council-Manager form of government. Voters elect a Council. The Council hires a manager. The manager runs the city.