Browse Items (8067 total)

Three postcards of Avoca, Iowa depicting the Floral Hall, Rock Island Depot, and Main St.

Transcripts of Death - register of deaths for Avoca, Iowa

Here's Exterior View of Avoca's Co-operative Creamery
Above is a view of the exterior of the Avoca Creamery.

Schools A946d.tif
Group photograph of the 1st Grade of Avenue E School

Schools A946b.tif

Postcard of the Avenue B School in Council Bluffs, Iowa

Schools A946a.tif
Photograph of the Avenue B School.

Schools A946c.tif
Group photograph outside of Avenue B School. Names listed on the back

Avenue B grade school is located at Twenty-fifth and Avenue B.

SW from A.tif
Photograph looking Southwest from an extension of Avenue "A"


It looks delicious . . .agree Mrs. Glenwood Long, state American Legion auxiliary president; Don Miles, local American Legion Commander, and Mrs. Douglas Neve, local auxiliary president. They're looking over a birthday cake. -- Nonpareil photo.

Convention discussed by the Most Rev. George J. Biskup of Dubuque, Miss Elizabeth Costello, district deputy, and Miss Jo Ann Wilson, district gran regent, both of Council Bluffs. Auxiliary Bishop Biskup is the state chaplain of the…

Auto junkpile has memories.

Societies A984.jpg
Group photograph of the authors of the Rotary Code of Ethics. From left to right (standing): Thomas Hutton, John Knutson, Dr. Frank Murphy all of Sioux City, Iowa. Seated: August Williges, of Sioux City, J.R. Perkins, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Jim…

Audubon's "Albert the Bull" needs several more coats of cement. Then painters will apply the red and white colors of the Hereford breed. But the beef promotional project already stops occasional tourists, who snap pictures of the huge bull.

Audubon, IA

Photo of Audubon County Hospital

Photo of Audubon Observatory

Photo of cattle truck advertising annual Operation T-Bone in Audubon IA.

All of Audubon's rural mail carriers and parcel post drivers have been cited by the National Safety Council for driving without accident during the past year. Postmaster Russell Bamsey (left) presents an 'expert driver' award from the Council to…

Officers of the newly reactivated Audubon Jaycees Chapter were installed recently at the organization's annual banquet at city auditorium. They include (from left): Doug Schuldt, secretary; Rich Olenius, treasurer; Ken Slothouber and Joe Brannan,…
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