Showing Result . . . of more than 100 hours' airbrush work, Joffe-Bouska poses with "Bicursal," one of the paintings in her Co-op show. Swooping curved tubular shapes are her dominant artistic interest.
With Airbrush At Hand . . . Marcia Joffe-Bouska stands by one of her recent plexiglass paintings. Eighteen of her works - 12 paintings and six drawings - will be displayed beginning Tuesday at the Artists' Cooperative Gallery.
'Kids' Offer Coffee . . . to Josh White at the Jolly Coachman. The young folk singers gathered around their idol are Ellen Haven, Hod David, Tom Pasie and Sean O'Brien.
Director Nels Hanse, Treasurer Lucille Morris, and Deputy Glen Haynes, team up to perform duties that previously required the servies of five employees.