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Discussing Calls...planned for the day are Don Myers, Neal Hays and Harold Kimrey, three young ministers who chose the Council Bluffs area for their mission field.

Choosing Puppets...for Saturday's show are Ministers Bill Stewart and Mark Foor

Church of Christ
(Formerly 7th Avenue Church of Christ)
1525 McPherson Avenue

Boarding the return home after services at the Church of Christ are Tammy Neff, a teen helper on Bus 1; Tina Swift, partially hidden, Stephanie Schaffner, Jim Seymour, Harold Swift, Randy James, Renae Seymour, Billy Parks on the step, Lori…

Church of Christ Ave E
810 Avenue E

This spacious new Church of Christ...located at 714 Benson St., is nearing completion and its worshippers have already moved in. Located on 4-1/2 acres of land, the site provides the church room for growth. Landscaping and parking lot surfacing and…

Church of Christ Chapel
714 Benson St.
(Former church at 810 Ave. E
7/1/84 First services held
Rev. F. Henry Neff, pastor

Standing before lecturns [sic] the new Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ) in the Twinn City community are the Rev. Jose Ventilacion and wife, Esther. They are natives of the Philippines. Nonpareil photo by Virginia Pendgraft

Church of Christ
Iglesia Ni Cristo
(Church of Christ)
(Philipines [sic])
3205 Renner Drive
Not affiliated with American Church of Christ

City's Furniture Industry . . . includes Canar Manufacturing Company. Employees Stanley Oliwecki and William Wagner (foreground) are upholstering couches.

Future Home . . . of Central Woodworking Company of Omaha is being built at Thirtieth St. and First Ave. The $22,500 structure will be completed in about a month.

What do you know about Council Bluffs industry? The 37 insignia on this page represent a big share of the variety of products which might bear the label: "Made in Council Bluffs." How many do you recognize?

Viewing Riverfront Site . . . ideal for industry are John Whittaker, Chamber of Commerce president; Millard Krasne, a trustee of the Council Bluffs Industrial Foundation, and John Duncan, chamber manager.

This Brick the new parsonage of the Church of God of Prophecy. It is next to the church at Seventeenth St. and Avenue E.

Discussing Markers...visible in painting of Fields of the Wood, a historical setting created by their church denomination, are Past Robert Brown of the local Church of God of Prophecy, and Earl Clemens, a member of its congregation.

Church of God of Prophecy
1700 Avenue E



Pat Edie, a volunteer for Citizens for Community Improvement, and CCI President Darlene Stevens display book covers bearing photos of missing children in the group wants to distribute to students at schools in the Omaha-Council Bluffs area. CCI has…
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