Opening A Hatch...on the three-foot scale model of the steamship Bertrand is John Carrier, park service employee at the DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge near Missouri Valley. The steamer model, which the Bertrand museum just purchased for $300, was…
A Watery again the resting place of the Steamboat Bertrand. Work on the artifacts from the ship will be increasing this summer at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge. A new staff member will arrive at DeSoto Monday to work with preservation…
Examining Sleigh Bells...recovered from the cargo of the sunken steamboat Bertrand are Jim Salyer of the Federal Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Sen. John Culver, D-Iowa. They and other interested parties met Friday in DeSoto Bend to plan the…
Showing Old Bottles...recovered from the sunken steamship Bertrand at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge is Maia Sornson, curator of the Bertrand artifacts museum. Miss Sornson has been cataloging the millions of items recovered from the wreckage and…