Nazarenes Plan $40,000 Church - Ground-Breaking Program Sunday June 7, 1958
Central Nazarene Begins Building New Structure - Adopts New Name July 14, 1958
Progress On New Nazarene Church August 2, 1958
Members Still Work On Church - Continuing…
Overshadowed . . . by a 127-year-old authentic Danish windmill in Elk Horn is Carl Bonnesen. The Better Elk Horn Club purchased the windmill for $38,000 and transported it to Southwest Iowa from Norre Senade, Jutland, Denmark. Once finished, the mill…
Elk at Botna Bend Park at Hancock were able to make their way to a fence line where debris caught created a small waterfall and gave them shallower water in which to stand until the West Nishnabotna River recedes. The baby elk, Sally, was moved to…
Discussing The Details...of the contract they have agreed to passing over ownership of the popular Club 64 are Dick Glasford and George Elias. The 67-year-old Elias opened the steak house in 1953 and has enlarged it eight times. Glasford formerly…